The Best Fish Tanks For Your New Aquatic Friend - The Dodo
You want to make your new fish feels right at home, which means finding him the perfect tank. Not all fish tanks are the same, so you'll definitely want to do some research before purchasing one. When shopping for the best fish tank, it should be the right size for the kind of fish you have (and how many you have) and should be able to be placed on a flat surface or on an aquarium stand that can hold its weight. We spoke with Mario Musa, a certified aquarist and owner of Epic Aquarium, for more insight on the best fish tanks and what to look for when shopping for one. Here are our top picks: How to find the best fish tank "The size specifications for a fish tank will vary depending on the type of fish you're keeping," Musa told The Dodo. "For example, goldfish require a 20-gallon fish tank (at minimum), while bettas (the most popular fish among home aquarists) need at least 3 gallons." Also keep in mind that saltwater tanks typically need to be larger than ...