On Brazil's tropical island of cats, virus led to starvation - WSIL TV

On Brazil's tropical island of cats, virus led to starvation - WSIL TV

On Brazil's tropical island of cats, virus led to starvation - WSIL TV

Posted: 14 Oct 2020 07:59 AM PDT

MANGARATIBA, Brazil (AP) — Volunteers are working to ensure the stray and feral cats living on an island off the coast of Brazil have enough food after fishermen saw the animals eating others' corpses. The gruesome scene was an unexpected consequence of the coronavirus pandemic. Over the years, fishermen had tossed fish guts and any unneeded catch onto the "Island of the Cats," while others left bowls of water and store-bought cat food. When virus restrictions forced people to quarantine, sunk tourism and shut restaurants that dish up seafood, boat traffic around the island fell sharply — and with it, the food and water deposited there. Volunteers are now making trips to bring supplies. 


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