Want to Set Up an Aquarium at Home? Here's How - The Seeker

Want to Set Up an Aquarium at Home? Here's How - The Seeker

Want to Set Up an Aquarium at Home? Here's How - The Seeker

Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:00 AM PDT

Pets are a wonderful addition to a household. They have the power to make the home livelier and to make your day brighter. However, when talking about house animals, most of the time, the question is – Are you a dog or a cat person? Although both of these furry companions are a good choice, there are more options out there.   

When it comes to popular pets, fish are probably ranked among the top 5. Beautiful and generally easier to maintain than cats or dogs, it comes as no surprise they are positioned so high on the popularity ladder. The fact that they will not ruin your shoes or furniture is certainly a big plus.

So, if you have been thinking about installing an aquarium at home, these are some of the things you should know before you start.

Choosing the Right Tank

The size certainly matters in this case and for several reasons. First of all, fish need oxygen to breathe, and a bigger tank will provide them with sufficient amounts of this chemical element. A wider tank has a larger surface area than a taller one, so you will actually be able to put more of these cute underwater creatures in it.

Also, make sure you check how much space a certain fish requires before you go out and buy it. After all, you want to create a happy and healthy environment for all the inhabitants of your aquarium. For example, goldfish will feel much better in a larger space than a bowl. This type of setting is more suitable for guppies and white clouts.    

The size of the tank will depend on the available space in your home, as well as on how big of a community you want to build. They start at around 2.5 gallons and go up. Make sure you commit to something you can handle. Starting small is not a bad idea for those who are doing this for the first time.    

Freshwater or Saltwater      

The next decision you need to make is about the type of aquarium setup you want to have in your home – saltwater or freshwater. This is not a small decision for different reasons, including the financial one.

Simply put, saltwater tanks are more expensive to maintain. You will have to mix the water yourself or buy it in the store. Also, you might need to provide your new pets with special lighting. Although freshwater ones also require dedication and regular maintenance, they are generally easier to keep. This is especially true if you're just stepping into this sphere.

One of the things you don't have to worry about is the visual appeal. Both of these can provide you with a tranquil and beautiful effect.

Appropriate pH Level

The environment in which fish live also has to meet certain requirements. One of the major things you need to pay attention to is the acidity of the water. You can check this out by testing its pH level. Don't let this scare you. As people from https://sellingmykidney.com/ say, it can all be very confusing to newbies, but everything you need to know is easily found online. Just do the necessary research, and soon enough, you will fall in love with this hobby.

Most fish can have a perfectly good life in a wide pH scope, but a small number of them have more specific needs. It's very important to keep the environment as stable as possible when it comes to pH. The proper tank chemistry is a key factor for having healthy fish. For those that come from tropical areas, you will have to regulate the water temperature as well. However, bear in mind that the heater reduces the oxygen levels and that you will probably have to add an air pump.


Choosing the look for your aquarium is quite fun. You can add a personal note to it and make it catch the eye of anyone who enters your house. If you want, you can recreate the natural habitat of the species present in your tank. Something like Hawaiian Reef or Amazon River certainly sounds exotic and exciting. There is also an option to opt for a design that will accentuate the appearance of the fish and their behavior. 

These are some of the main things you need to consider if you want to set up an aquarium in your house or apartment. It is something that requires dedication and time, but it will give you a sense of peace as well. Whatever type of fish you choose for your tank, it will make your home more beautiful and more interesting. 


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