Boston Homes Virtual Neighborhood - Wicked Local Hanover

Boston Homes Virtual Neighborhood - Wicked Local Hanover

Boston Homes Virtual Neighborhood - Wicked Local Hanover

Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:44 PM PDT

Welcome to our new Boston Homes Virtual Neighborhood. Since we are now in a virtual world during these days when we need to stay at home, we have selected interesting virtual events and activities from many different places.

Since we are now in a virtual world during these days when we need to stay at home, we have selected interesting virtual events and activities from many different places. All events are EDT unless otherwise noted – for those events, a time convertor URL can be found at

This week's categories to choose from include:

• Events from May 2 through May 9 (One Day Only)

• Short Term Events

• Fundraisers for Charities (Date Related)

• Family Events (Ongoing)

• Body, Mind and Spirit – Well-being Events (Ongoing)

• Family Activities (Anytime Fun)

• Positivity Moments and Opportunities

• Arts and Culture Sites (Some with Live Cam)

• Where to Buy (Support Small Businesses)


Virtual Show and Tell

The Salem Public Library will showcase Virtual Show and Tell from 9 to 9:45 a.m. on Saturday, May 2. This week's theme is Arts & Crafts.

Log into Zoom to connect with Salem Public Library Children's Librarian Ms. Laura and library friends old and new.

Visit for required registration and other information.

Minni Make + Play – Cupcake Sculptures

In the free virtual Minni Make + Play – Cupcake Sculptures, little bakers (geared for ages 1.5 to 5) will make a creative sweet treat of their own to celebrate Minni's birthday from 10 to 10:35 a.m. on Saturday, May 2.

Instructor Maria will encourage students to use a variety of soft materials to build colorful cupcake sculptures.

All participants are encouraged to complete a fun scavenger hunt challenge before they gather for the workshop. Scavenger hunt items: Recycled materials and found objects to decorate their cupcakes with, such as yarn pieces, paper shapes and pompoms, among others.

Visit for registration and other information.

Minni SculptureShop – Birthday Cakes

In the free virtual Minni SculptureShop – Birthday Cakes bakers and sculptors (geared for ages 4 through 10) will celebrate Minni's birthday with the ultimate cake creation from 11 to 11:45 a.m. on Saturday, May 2.

Instructor Maria will show students how to stack, layer and decorate a cake sculpture using boxes and recycled materials.

All participants are encouraged to complete a fun scavenger hunt challenge before they gather for the workshop. Scavenger hunt items: Materials that can be reimagined as cake decorations such as yarn, paper shapes, straws and pompoms, among others things found at home.

Visit for registration and other information.

'The Oneness of Humanity'

Join the conversation about "The Oneness of Humanity" from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 2.

Is there more that unites us than we realize? How can spirituality help us look past our differences as people and nations and instead focus on the inherent commonality we all share as spiritual beings part of one humankind?

The world around us seems focused on amplifying the existing fractures in society, highlighting messages of division and conflict over those of peace and unity. So in this environment, how can we as individuals make a difference? Can spirituality help us foster that peace and unity? How can we stop talking over each other and start listening to those we disagree with? How can we create unified and inclusive communities that can work for the benefit of us all?

Join a different kind of conversation – one that welcomes every perspective in a search for the truths that unite us all – as people discuss the spiritual perspective offered by the Bahá'í Teachings on our essential common humanity. Join in for a lively discussion as people explore the role of spirituality in healing the divisions present in our society.

"The tabernacle of unity hath been raised; regard ye not one another as strangers. Ye are the fruits of one tree, and the leaves of one branch." – Bahá'í Teachings

This event is free and open to all regardless of background or belief. Donations will not be accepted.

Visit for more information, including registration.

U.N. Perspective Series: Climate Action

The United Nations Association of Greater Boston and Impact Hub Boston will host the U.N. Perspective Series from 5 to 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May 4 online via Zoom.

Global experts and local social enterprises and non-profits will explore the work being done to address United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13: Climate Action and the Green New Deal.

People will also have the chance to engage with other community members on SDG campaigning and advocacy in Boston during a brief SDG Committee Meeting at the beginning of the event.

Visit for more information and required registration.

Envisioning The Route: On Poetic Imagination

Join the Boston Public Library for an online workshop by City of Boston Poet Laureate Porsha Olayiwola from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Monday, May 4.

The world we live in is not our first reality. Everything that has existed first occurred in the mind: a piece of furniture, a dish for the family's dinner, a fully formed sentence expressed to someone you love.

Before anything exists in the tangible world, it exists in the mind first. And oftentimes the mind speaks loudest when we are alone, silent, and can hear it. While isolation can feel daunting, taunting between loneliness and solitude, it is sometimes needed in order to restore us to our innate knowing.

This playful and generative writing workshop will call for participants to linger in their heads, dance with their ideas and manifest the rules of the world within their minds. Inspirited by Italo Calvino's lecture on visibility, and using work from Kevah Akbar, Sarah Borjas and Brigit Pegeen Kelly, this workshop will call for participants to exercise their imagination. When sitting with our imagination, our knowledge will find the route to a poem, its content and its form. Perhaps we can write our wildest inventions into existence.

This will occur on Zoom. A link to the meeting room will be sent via email on the day of the program.

Visit for other information, including required registration.

'Fascination: Helena's Story' Director's Discussion

Join the Vilna for a riveting discussion with Writer/Producer Karen Goldfarb about her film "Fascination: Helena's Story" at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May 4.

Holocaust survivor Helena Weinrauch, 92, survived three concentration camps, torture by the Gestapo, and the death march from Auschwitz to Bergen Belsen. When she was 88, she decided to become a ballroom dancer. This 2017 Best Documentary at New York City International Film Festival weaves Helena's heroing story of survival with her love of dance and of life.

When you register, you will be given a link to view the film on vimeo. Please screen the film prior to the conversation on May 4.

'Caring for Your Collections'

The Boston Athenæum will present "Caring for Your Collections" with Tatiana Cole from noon to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5.

Paper Conservator Tatiana Cole discusses how to care for your own collection of photographs at home. Drawing from a range of photographic materials – historic to contemporary – Cole will provide helpful resources and best practice techniques for your fine art piece or family archives.

Visit for information, including required registration prior to 5 p.m. on Monday, May 4.

Field Report: Boston Athenæum Fellow Eli Portman

Boston Athenæum Fellow Eli Portman will present his Field Report from noon to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, May 6.

For this residency his goal was to explore the environments within the Athenæum's floors and walls, each floor with its own feel and history. Using previous references of Athenæum history and its younger days as inspiration, he wanted to make something new and create his own entries in the timeline. Starting last July, he's come in at different times of days, different weather, and different lighting. He's explored different rooms, different spots, and different stacks. He's observed different floors for many hours at a time, watching how people come and go, read, work, and do research.

The pieces he'll be presenting will represent months of exploration, hours of onsite painting and sketching, and will consist of thoughtful works that will make you look at this beautiful library in different ways.

For registration and other information, go to

'A Bend in the Stars' by Rachel Barenbaum

The Hadassah Brandeis Institute presents a conversation regarding the book A Bend in the Stars by Rachel Barenbaum from 2 to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, May 6.

An epic love story and heart-pounding journey across WWI-era Russia grounded in real history, A Bend in the Stars follows an ambitious young doctor and her scientist brother in a race against Einstein to solve one of the greatest mysteries of the universe while the forces of antisemitism close in around them.

To register go to

Unlock Humor & Resilience in Hard Times

Matthew William, founder of Challenger Point, is delivering premier motivational messages across the United States to help people overcome trauma and other adversities through the "Unlock" series. "Unlock Humor & Resilience in Hard Times" will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 6.

In the midst of a sudden global Coronavirus pandemic, loss of income, employment, housing, health, loved ones, business goals, contracts, and events, with widespread fear and anxiety, along with increasing acts of violence, suicides, wars, natural disasters, personal hardships, and adversities galore, we can all stand to learn more about resilience, band together, share resources and what helps you personally and professionally.

These webinar workshops will answer: What is resilience? What strategies help to quickly adapt to major disruptions in personal life and work? What skills can I practice? What role does humor play? It will also offer tips to help you along with local, state, and national resources and ways to get involved. Its aim is to create a collective community of resilience building individuals and organizations.

This project is a humanitarian effort on behalf of Matthew William, who has lived with depression and PTSD, is a retired firefighter from Oshtemo, Michigan and a licensed trauma and addiction counselor in Winter Park, Colorado. Matthew is a Multisport Ministries endurance athlete, Cathexis Talent model and actor, and the Matthew William founder of Challenger Point Practice & Apparel.

Visit for other details, including registration/Zoom information and a bio of the presenter.

Visit to learn about other workshops.

How to Compost with Offbeet Composting

Learn how to compost in your own backyard with Kesiah Bascom from Offbeet Composting from 1 to 2 p.m. on Thursday, May 7.

They'll discuss the ins and outs of compost and why it's good for the environment during a Live Q & A.

Link to attend via Zoom:

Visit for other details.

Royal Oak Lecture: 'Ciphers, Secrets, and Spies in the Elizabethan Age'

The Boston Athenæum will present Royal Oak Lecture: Ciphers, Secrets, and Spies in the Elizabethan Age with Carol Ann Lloyd from 6 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 17.

The Elizabethan era (1558-1603) is often depicted as the "Golden Age" in England's history – an era of great exploration and military victories in which Queen Elizabeth I is represented in sumptuous clothing and jewels. But the reality, which included religious conflicts that tore families apart; political challenges to Elizabeth's authority; high levels of poverty and crime; and vulnerability to foreign invasion, was far grimmer.

Carol Ann Lloyd will describe this tumultuous time with its secret plots, intercepted and decoded messages, and assassination attempts. She will explore dark corners of Elizabethan English history and reveal how the ability to control information became the most potent tool of the realm.

For registration and more information go to

The English Country House: Center of the Universe

Join Curt DiCamillo, an authority on British architecture, art, and history as he examines the importance of the English country house and its surprising role in history from 4 to 5:15 p.m. on Friday, May 8.

To register for this free online event, presented by the American Ancestors by New England Historic Genealogical Society, go to

'Finding Meaning in Life's Difficulties'

Join the conversation about "Finding Meaning in Life's Difficulties" from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 9.

Is there hidden value in the difficulties and hardships of life, or are these things just to try to get past as quickly as possible? If so, how can we emerge from the current world crisis we are facing as stronger, more resilient individuals and communities?

When we look at the difficult moments of our lives, aren't those often the times when we grew the most? So many valuable lessons in life and growth opportunities are hard-won, often coming out of these trying moments. So why are we so focused on avoiding these difficulties? From this perspective, how would we as individuals and as a society confront the inevitable struggles we will be faced with?

How can we build stronger communities that ensure not only that we don't have to face struggles alone, but that we as individuals will emerge stronger as well?

Come join a different kind of conversation – one that welcomes every perspective in a search for the truths that unite us all – as we discuss the spiritual perspective offered by the Bahá'í Teachings on the opportunity for growth during times of struggle. Join us for a lively discussion as we reflect on the meaning of life's difficulties and explore the true nature of progress.

"The troubles of this world pass and what we have left is what we have made of our souls." – Bahá'í Teachings

This event is free and open to all regardless of background or belief. Donations will not be accepted.

Visit for more information, including registration.

'A Night to Thrive!'

The 10th anniversary celebration, "A Night to Thrive," will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 9 presented by THRIVEGulu partnering with the Longwood Symphony Orchestra.

Join others from around the world, as you enjoy a virtual Chamber Music Concert and guest speakers.

THRIVEGulu is a non-profit trauma recovery organization that supports communities in Northern Uganda to recover from the traumatic effects of war through mental health counseling, economic empowerment and literacy education.

RSVP on or email to receive the Zoom link to join.


18th Annual Spring Plant Sale (Online)

Get a season's worth of Massachusetts-grown annual flowers, perennial herbs, and delicious vegetables.

Proceeds from this sale are used to fund Habitat Intergenerational Programs projects.

Orders must be placed online by Friday, May 8 for curbside pickup or delivery on May 9.

Visit for other information, including selections, link to order and HIP.

Monday's Job Seekers Toolkit

Whether you have a job, been laid off from a job, are looking for a job or just curious about what is different about today's job search, join Monday's Job Seekers Toolkit for a free online workshop from from 9 to 10 a.m. on Mondays through May 11, presented by JobssNow.

Let the experts provide support & strategies to evolve you past your obstacles of the online application process; understand the current hiring freeze; and learn how to structure your day for success. You've got questions; they've got answers.

Register at for required registration to receive the Zoom meeting ID and passcode along with other pertinent information.

Email questions to

Visit for more information.

Schmoozefest: Social Justice Conversation, Music and Comedy

Join the Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action from noon to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesdays through May 11 for different social justice speakers, political commentators, public officials, comedians, musicians and more. Bring your lunch, bring your pets and bring yourself – they can't wait to see you.

Visit for the Zoom link or telephone/code information.

Bucket Drumming!

Bucket Drumming from Salem Public Library is online from 2 to 3 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays through May 8.

Join David Moore as he covers some basics, and discusses alternatives to buckets and drumsticks.

Email David at with any questions.

Visit for required registration and other information. Meeting invites will be sent to registered users at the close of registration.

Social Board Game Night Over Video Chat

The Cyberspaces team is hosting a social board game night over video chat from 6 to 8 p.m. PDT/9 to 11 p.m. EDT on Thursdays through May 7.

Cyberspaces releases a new game every week for you to enjoy. Games include Cyberterms (word association), Liars Dice, and Kings among others.

When you get the order conformation from it will include a link to join the Slack group where they will split everyone up into groups of six and provide board game video call links there.

Visit for registration and other information.

'Danny Dollar Millionaire' reading

The Boston Public Library presents an online reading of Danny Dollar Millionaire by Ty Allan Jackson from 10:30 to 11 a.m. on Fridays through May 8, suitable for children, ages 6 through 12.

Danny is an 11-year-old boy who is a man with a plan. He wants to run a successful lemonade stand and become a millionaire by the time he is 21. Danny shares so much about finance in this book. The book was written by Ty Allan Jackson, a local author.

The readings can be found on the Charlestown Branch Facebook page at

Visit for other information.

'Spirit of Youth' – Spring Exhibition

The Guild of Boston Artists (162 Newbury St.) is presenting their Spring Exhibition – "Spirit of Youth," as an online exclusive exhibition on through Friday, May 8.

"April hath put a spirit of youth in everything" mused Shakespeare in Sonnet 98. In this uncertain time of stress and isolation, we are all in need of a renewal of spirit that only visions of spring and the truth found in art can awaken in the soul. View a selection of over 100 paintings and sculptures online from the safety of your own home.

Purchases can be made during the COVID-19 shutdowns.

When the COVID-19 guidance has been lifted and the Guild of Boston Artists is able to reopen to the public, they would be happy to arrange a viewing appointment.

Visit for other information.

Free Grant Writing Webinar

Dr. William Clark is hosting a free grant writing webinar from noon to 1:30 on Thursdays and from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Sundays through Jan. 3.

This "How to Triple Fundraising Results without Chasing Funders!" webinar will cover the three secrets you need to know:

1) You don't have to be scared of the process

2) You don't have to complete a ton of grant applications

3) You don't have to chase funders to generate six-figures

Dr. William Clark is a fundraising strategist and leadership development and organizational impact specialist to nonprofits and churches.

Go to for registration and other information.

Visit for more information.


Social Distance Dash to support NEMPAC

Join the Social Distance Dash from Friday, May 1 through Sunday, May 3 to support the North End Music & Performing Arts Center.

Register for $25, and run a 5K, 10K, half marathon or marathon over the weekend. You pick the time and the course.

Your support helps NEMPAC continue providing comfort and spirit to lives in our community through music and creative programs during this challenging time.

For more information and to register: https://www.fmp /sdd

For more information about the North End Music & Performing Arts Center (NEMPAC):

Walk for Hunger COVID-19 Crisis Relief

As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, The Walk for Hunger event on May 3 is canceled. However, the fundraiser must go on – and is focused on rapid response to food insecurity being caused by the COVID-19 crisis.

You can help by creating a fundraiser by registering as a "Virtual Walker" to help Project Bread reach the goal of $2 million for hunger relief.

Visit to learn more.

Zootopia Gala Goes Virtual Celebration

"Zootopia," Zoo New England's annual fundraising gala, brings the Zoo to you for an evening with special animal ambassadors, auctions and awards on Saturday, May 9.

They are pleased to present the E. O. Wilson Living the Mission Award to Dr. Charudutt Mishra, the Snow Leopard Trust Executive Director.

All proceeds from Zootopia will directly benefit Zoo New England's mission to inspire and educate the next generation of conservation stewards and leaders and support their expert animal care.

For more information contact Nicole Sheehan at or phone 617-379-5190.

Visit for other information, including the link to donate.

Louis D. Brown Peace Institute: Mother's Day Virtual Walk-A-Thon for Peace

The 24th annual Mother's Day Walk for Peace has been re-created into a virtual walkathon culminating in an online "This Way Toward Healing" event from 9 to 9:45 a.m. on Sunday, May 10.

The pledge walk is a fundraiser for the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, a Dorchester-based organization that serves as a center of healing, teaching and learning for families and communities impacted by murder, grief, trauma and loss.

Please register for the virtual walk, start a team, raise funds, make your own donation to inspire your friends, and volunteer to be a social media ambassador.

Your help ensures that the Peace Institute's critical services, advocacy and training continue to meet the immediate and evolving needs of the survivors.

Visit for the links and other information.

NAMIWalks Goes Virtual

The NAMIWalks Massachusetts 2020 will go Virtual on May 30.

NAMIWalks is a fun, family-friendly event to help promote awareness of mental health and reduce stigma by sharing and stories and walking together; to raise funds for NAMI's mission of advocacy, education, support and public awareness; and to build community and let people know they are not alone.

Help make a difference. Visit for more information, including ways you can help make this year's event a success.

Ginormous Climb

The 7th annual Ginormous Climb will be held from 8:30 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 6 at 200 Clarendon.

At the Children's Advocacy Center of Suffolk County, they see heroes every day.

Each year, nearly 2,000 children are referred to the CAC to talk about abuse and violence in their lives. Their courage is heroic and they inspire all of us.

CAC has a challenge for you: will you step up for young heroes fighting back against abuse and violence by taking the stairs all the way to the top of 200 Clarendon (New England's tallest building) at the Ginormous Climb on June 6, 2020?

Get started on your Ginormous Climb and register today. Rally the support of family, friends and colleagues to help you reach your goal. Along the way, you'll be helping kids feel safe, cope with trauma, seek justice and heal.

Prefer to take the elevator? Register to volunteer at the Ginormous Climb.

AFH's Greatest Party on Earth

Leaders from Boston's creative, innovative, entrepreneurial, and philanthropic communities will gather together to celebrate Artists For Humanity's 29 years of creative youth employment, social justice, and sustainability at the 15th annual Greatest Party on Earth at on Friday, June 19.

The evening directly supports paid employment in art and design for more than 325 Boston teens at Artists For Humanity.

The Benefactor Reception kicks off the evening at 7:30 p.m. in AFH's third floor Painting Studio. Mingle with the AFH's teen artists and their mentors as you experience live performances and more than a few surprises. Enjoy globally inspired cuisine and crafted cocktails from Gourmet Caterers. A brief program will recognize AFH's pioneering achievements and incredible partners, and highlight what's ahead for AFH.

At 9 p.m. the adjacent Lewis Gallery opens and the tempo kicks up a notch – or two. A world-class lineup of entertainment provides a non-stop atmosphere that's sure to be the talk of the town – think multi-culturally inspired performances meets epic dance party! Intercontinental cuisine and cocktails will sustain guests' energy level until the evening concludes at 1 a.m.

Visit the AFH studios to meet their creative teens, purchase artwork, and revitalize for more and more dancing. Bring your dancing shoes!

The Greatest Party on Earth is a 21+ only event.

Visit for tickets and other information. Ticket prices will increase after May 19.

Visit for more information.

Codman Square Health Center COVID-19 Fundraiser

Thank you to everyone who helped raise over $13,000 for Codman Square Health Center's Codman Fights COVID-19 Fundraiser so far. Your donations help support their 23,000 patients and protect the staff on the front lines. Please spread the word and continue to support everyone on the front lines of COVID-19 at Codman.

Donate to their GoFundMe page.

Anyone who is looking to donate gloves, masks, and cleaning supplies, should fill out this survey:

The Great Toilet Paper Chase of 2020

Did you know that National Toilet Paper Day takes place on Aug. 26? One way to honor this day is by participating The Great Toilet Paper Chase of 2020 which will be held anytime through Monday, Aug. 31.

You can walk, run, jog – 1M, 5K, 10K, 13.1, 26.2 – outside or on a treadmill with people around the world to help raise funds for the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund through the World Health Organizations to:

• Send essential supplies such as personal protective equipment to frontline health workers;

• Enable all countries to track and detect the disease by boosting laboratory capacity through training and equipment;

• Ensure health workers and communities everywhere have access to the latest science-based information to protect themselves, prevent infection and care for those in need;

• Accelerate efforts to fast-track the discovery and development of lifesaving vaccines, diagnostic and treatment.

When you complete your race, you will receive a medal and/or bib for being a part of a group of people around the world united for a cause and as a way to remember this crazy time in our history.

Visit for registration ($9-$22) and other information.

The 2020 Get Uranus Moving Run/Walk Challenge

Runners, walkers, and joggers of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels are invited to join the Moon Joggers group in the Uranus Running and Walking Challenge and Get Uranus Moving in 2020.

It's a 1.6 billion mile journey to Uranus and all the miles accumulated, not only benefit the individual as you move up the Moon Jogger rankings, but also the group as a whole.

Each year this group chooses a different charity to donate a portion of the registration fees from their virtual races. This year they have chosen Operation Underground Railroad. Their goal is to donate $10,000 to O.U.R. by the end of 2020.

Visit and/or for more information, including registration.


Project31 Virtual Dance Studio

Project31 is offering a variety of classes led by Project 31 Artistic Director Kenzie Finn and guest artists that include dance techniques for modern, jazz, contemporary dance or ballet barre.

To join the fun with the Project31 Virtual Studio, view the Class Schedule (varied days and time) with new dates added on Wednesdays. Download the Zoom app and click the appropriate link at class time. They will be accepting "pay what you can" donations in lieu of class fees at Venmo @project31.

Go to for more details.

'Girl Scouts at Home' Meetings

Join girls from all over Eastern Massachusetts for a virtual Girl Scout meeting through May 1 via Zoom (a free download is required from

Pre-K/Kindergarten Meet Ups will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Saturdays

Daisy Meet Ups will be held at 11 a.m. on Tuesdays

Brownies will meet at 11 a.m. on Wednesdays

Junior Meet Ups will be held at 11 a.m. on Thursdays

Cadette/Senior/Ambassador Meets Ups will be held at 11 a.m. on Fridays

Go to for more information.

This Little Piggy Stayed Home – Virtual Barnyard Story Time

Get your dose of barnyard playtime with a weekly virtual barnyard story time hosted by the Trustees of Reservations from 9:30 to 10 a.m. on Tuesdays.

They'll be reading a short story book with their goats, sheep or chickens once a week. Story books will be geared toward younger audiences.

Stories will post at 9:30 a.m. on their Instagram stories site at

Stories will be saved to their highlights and available after 9:30 a.m. as well.

The FARM Institute is on Martha's Vineyard/Cape Cod & The Islands

Visit for more information on this series and other children's and/or adult programs.

Steward Saturday: Online Garden Q&A

As you work in your yard and garden this spring questions can come up about how best to prune, when to plant or the classic "What is this?"

The Stevens-Coolidge Place is offering a weekly video series called #StewardSaturday from 10 to 10:30 a.m. on Saturdays via Facebook and Instagram where they will answer common questions that they receive from the days prior to. Questions can pertain to anything related to horticulture, gardening, and plants. They are excited to stay engaged with you during this time and help everyone learn a bit more about stewarding their own properties.

Send gardening and yard work inquiries to their Steward at

This program is free of charge, but donations are appreciated to support The Stevens-Coolidge Place (North Andover) if you are in a position to do so:

Matt Heaton Virtual Sing-a-Long

Enjoy a Facebook Live sing-a-long with Matt Heaton and the Outside Toys at 10 a.m. on Mondays through Fridays. Interactive songs will have kids jumping, dancing and singing together with Matt.

Tune in, chat, make requests – it's his favorite part of the day. He also likes knock-knock jokes, so share them as well.

Virtual Barnyard Tours

Head to the Weir River Farm (Hingham) Facebook Page for a virtual barnyard program at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays LIVE from their farm.

Hosted by Farmer Nate you will get to see their barnyard animals up close, including their new lambs and calves that you'll get to see grow up each week. After the LIVE barnyard tour, follow along with a story reading video on their Facebook page at

Visit for other information.

Barnyard Bunnies Story Time

Tune in on Facebook at 10 a.m. on Fridays for virtual Barnyard Bunnies Storytime hosted by Appleton Farms (Hamilton and Ipswich).

Their newest barnyard friends, two angora rabbits, will join Farmer Ashley as she reads a weekly story. So hop on over to their Facebook live event to join in on the fun.

Visit for other events.

Virtual Breakfast Book Club

Butterfly Dreamz, Inc. hosts a monthly Breakfast Book Club from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on the first Saturdays of each month.

This is a supportive space for women and girls (6th to 12th graders) to read and discuss young adult books written by women of color authors.

The book for May is Opposite of Always by Justin A. Reynolds.

Visit for registration and other information.

Live NEMPAC IG Community Classes

The North End Music & Performing Arts Center (NEMPAC) is offering free weekly 30-minute live-stream classes of Music, Theatre, Dance or Movement for all ages and abilities on Instagram with one of their NEMPAC instructors or special guests.

The classes are offered at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

100 percent of the suggested donations ($5-$10) will go directly to the teacher leading the class.

Visit for other information, including a weekly flyer (schedule) and links.

Miss Megan Presents: Storytime Live!

Miss Megan Presents: Storytime Live! at 10:30 a.m. weekdays on You Tube.

New England Aquarium –Virtual Tours, Videos and Activities

The New England Aquarium invites you to join them for live presentations from aquarists, behind-the-scenes looks at the Aquarium, and fun activities to try from home. New videos will be updated daily at 11 a.m.

Follow the Aquarium on all of our social media channels and remember to wash your fins.;


This Little Piggy Stayed Home – Cooking & Crafts

The Trustees of Reservations are hosting a cooking & crafts series on Instagram and Facebook Live from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on Thursdays.

Tag along with the FARM weekly as they share their favorite friendly recipes and homesteading projects. Follow along as they'll announce ingredient and project lists a few days prior on their social channels.

Join them on Instagram at

The FARM Institute is on Martha's Vineyard/Cape Cod & The Islands

Visit for more information on this series and other children's and/or adult programs.

LeVar Burton Hosts Storytime

LeVar Burton hosts a thrice weekly livestream show, where he will read various short stories while we're "sheltered in place."

Mondays at noon will feature children's literature.

Wednesdays at 6 p.m. will spotlight young adult fare.

Fridays at 9 p.m. will focus on stories for adults.

Burton is best known for his roles in "Roots" and "Star Trek: The Next Generation."

Follow on LeVar Burton on Twitter for updates.

History Chat: A Crane Estate Lunch-and-Learn!

Join cultural Site Administer, Roving Donovan Bocchiaro, for their weekly Facebook Live from noon to 1 p.m. on Wednesdays.

Each week they select a person or topic to explore the history of the Crane Estate. You bring the questions and lunch, Robin will bring the history.

The program is free to watch and participate in. However, as a non-profit they rely on donations to help them protect and preserve their properties for future generations. If you would like to donate or become a member, you can do so at

LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems

Author/Illustrator Mo Willems is hosting LUNCH DOODLE at 1 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays. Learners worldwide can draw, doodle and explore new ways of writing by visiting Mo's studio virtually for the next few weeks.

If you have questions for Mo, send them to and he might include them in the next episode. If you post your art to social media, be sure to hashtag it with #MoLunchDoodles.

Visit for more information.

USS Constitution & Museum Virtual Tours and Activities

The USS Constitution and USS Constitution Museum are online.

– Try out hands-on activities, such as A Sailor's Life for Me!

– Take a virtual tour of USS Constitution on Facebook Live. They're hosted daily at 1 p.m.

– Explore the Constitution's major voyages and events

– Browse the online collections of artifacts

– Dig into the rich history of "Old Ironsides" in their vast and varied blog posts.

– There is something available for everyone.

The Museum will be adding new digital content daily on its website and social media channels.

Visit;; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

Emily Arrow

Emily Arrow and her ukulele named Bow host daily online learning, sing-a-longs, and stories, bringing music and mindfulness at noon CDT/1 p.m. EDT on Mondays through Fridays.

Emily writes delightful, catchy songs based on children's picture books.

The videos will remain on You Tube for later viewing.

Visit for other details.

Conscious Crafting

Check out the Weir River Farm (Hingham) Youtube and Facebook pages for Conscious Crafting videos, with new recorded how-to videos posted from 1 to 2 p.m. on Fridays.

These crafts are designed to include materials you could find at home and to repurpose things you may otherwise get rid of. If you have ideas of crafts you would like to see, let them know by email.

Contact or phone 781-740-7233 for more information.

Visit for other events.

Daily drawing lessons with Wendy MacNaughton on Instagram Live

New York Times bestselling illustrator and graphic journalist Wendy MacNaughton is offering free daily drawing classes on Instagram Live (@wendymac) from 1 to 1:30 p.m. from Monday through Friday. The classes include songs, deep breathing exercises, and most importantly, plenty of time to draw.

The class is for kids of all ages, parents of kids, parents of parents, aunties/uncles, friends, and pets.

Each virtual drawing class will be kept in MacNaughton's Instagram stories for 24 hours once the livestream is over. After each class, you can check out the #drawtogether hashtag, where MacNaughton has asked that participants post photos of their drawings so that everyone can check out one another's work. Past classes are available on You Tube.


Tune in on Facebook at 1:30 p.m. each day for #ZooToYou: a daily dose of animal cuteness, chats with the care staff, crafts and activities to do at home, and lots more.

Create your own animal masks, draw all types of animals with dot-to-dot illustrations, or learn something new like how to make your own compost pile! A full list of activities can be found here:'>Zoo New England Kids Corner.

Visit and/or for other information.

ActivityHero Live

Kids and families can join ActivityHero Live's free online classes at 11 a.m. PDT/2 p.m. EDT from any web browser.

Their special guests will teach kids about art, medicine, music, cooking, science, math, and language, among others, with different classes offered every day. Kids can ask questions online and show off their work.

Visit for more details, including links to register for the classes.

CSEP Science Friday: Virtual Lesson

Follow along with Islands Education Manager, Molly Peach Mayhew, as she leads an online STEAM based lesson from 2 to 2:30 p.m. on Fridays. Topic changes every week and will be posted on Facebook ( and YouTube (

The Claire Saltonstall Education Program (CSEP) on Martha's Vineyard provides hands-on, place-based experiential STEAM programming to our local community and is excited to continue to learn together.

Deb's Virtual Art School

Deb will host a Virtual Art School from 2 to 3 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays for all ages (3 to 100) at https//

She will show you different ways to explore your creativity from your home as you draw, paint, collage, print, and look at art together.

Deborah Putnoi is an artist and educator who believes in the power of drawing to help people relax, connect with the world, and build our brain in new ways. She is the author of The Drawing Mind, and interactive sketchbook.

To learn more visit

Heal the Bay Aquarium Live

Heal the Bay Aquarium goes live on Facebook at 2 p.m. on Tuesdays, offering virtual visits with baby sharks and a look at its new exhibit.

Sea life fans can get a glimpse of the Aquarium's marine animal ambassadors and learn more about wildlife habitats off the coast of Southern California.

Visit for more information regarding the series.

Oliver Jeffers

Oliver likes to draw pictures and tell stories all at the same time.

Visit for activities to print, including puzzles, coloring, and crafts.

Follow Oliver Jeffers for daily readings of one of his books, such as "Stuck" and "Here We Are" on Instagram Live at 2 p.m. daily.

Ask a Farmer: Online for Kids

Join Appleton Farms (Hamilton and Ipswich) on Zoom from 2 to 2:45 p.m. on Thursdays as they explore a new farm theme, such as farming, food, animals, ecology, cooking and more, encouraging kids to investigate and explore life on a working farm from inside their living rooms.

Topics may include growing vegetables, milking cows, raising chickens, cooking with local ingredients, or caring for the land for both domestic and wild creatures.

Appleton Farms Education Manager, Ashley, will guide students to think inquisitively, introducing each topic through educational content and guided video tours. Students will spend time formulating and writing down their questions and takeaways. Each session will conclude with a Q&A where kids can ask the farmers and other experts their questions.

This program is best suited for students in grades 2 through 5, but families of all ages are welcome to join. At the end of each session they will offer ideas for follow up activities to help extend your learning. Please come prepared with a pencil and paper.

To join the session via Zoom, go to

Phone 978-356-5728, ext. 4126 or email for other information.

Visit for other events.

Maker Mondays

Teens in grades 6 through 12 are invited to join the BPL Teen Librarians for Maker Mondays from 2 to 5 p.m. through June 1 (except May 25) in the Virtual Teen Room via the Discord server.

Take a look at projects of the librarians own design, get ideas for at-home crafts, or learn how to make stuff online… all from the comfort of lockdown.

Visit for more details, including registration.

Gamer Tuesdays

Teens in grades 6 through 12 are invited to join the BPL Teen Librarians for Gamer Tuesdays from 2 to 5 p.m. through June 2 in the Virtual Teen Room via the Discord server.

Discuss the latest release, trends, and strategies of every system on the map, or participate in some light online gaming… all from the comfort of lockdown.

Visit for more details, including registration.

Let's Talk: Animal Crossing New Horizons

Kids who are playing the hottest Nintendo game ever will enjoy the chance to Zoom chat with other kid fans at 2 p.m. on Tuesdays hosted by the Fenway Community Center. Trade tips, visit each other's islands, and learn to draw characters.

Email to get on the list for Zoom links and info.

Anime Wednesdays

Teens in grades 6 through 12 are invited to join the BPL Teen Librarians for Anime Wednesdays from 2 to 5 p.m. through June 3 in the Virtual Teen Room via the Discord server.

Discuss and share tastes, trends, and experiences with all things anima an manga with certified otaku… all from the comfort of lockdown.

Visit for more details, including registration.

Jackbox Thursdays

Teens in grades 6 through 12 are invited to join the BPL Teen Librarians for Jackbox Thursdays from 2 to 5 p.m. through June 4 in the Virtual Teen Room via the Discord server.

Want a little funny in your bones? This chat room will run live during BPL Teen Services' weekly Jackbox Twitch stream, at … laugh with them from the comfort of lockdown.

Visit for more details, including registration.

Music Fridays

Teens in grades 6 through 12 are invited to join the BPL Teen Librarians for Music Fridays from 2 to 5 p.m. through June 5 in the Virtual Teen Room via the Discord server.

Can't catch a tune…? This chatroom will feature music lovers and players of a number of genres and instruments. Come to listen, discuss, and play, all from the comfort of lockdown.

Visit for more details, including registration.

Seventh Inning Stretch

With baseball season on hold, there are no cracks of the bat or late-inning homers, but you can still enjoy the sound of the organ playing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame."

Fenway Park organist Josh Kantor play 30 minutes of songs on his show he calls the "7th –Inning Stretch" on Facebook Live at 3 p.m. every day. So take a stretch, sing along and enjoy some favorite traditional and contemporary songs. He also takes requests.

Although the show and fun is free, he suggests that viewers make a donation to their local food bank.

Live From The Playroom

The Rock and Roll Playhouse presents Live From The Playroom offering kids and families delightfully bite-sized programs featuring 20-minutes of music that the whole family can dance and sing to.

Three ways to enjoy them:

RRPH's Facebook at 3 p.m. from Mondays through Fridays presented by In The Raw.

Livestream on Industry City's Facebook at 1 p.m. on Saturdays.

Livestream on Rockefeller Center's Facebook at 11 a.m. on Sundays.

Check out their website for more info at

Follow on You Tube for more videos and livestreams:

Follow on Instagram:

Follow on Facebook:

Follow on Twitter:

Grow Your Own Food: Online for kids!

The Trustees of Reservations are hosting a gardening workshop series from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Thursdays via Zoom.

In this hands-on workshop series, kids will learn where food comes from (many from your own kitchen) and plant their own seeds.

They collectively will geminate their own seeds at home using the materials they have on hand. Each week the Trustees will track their seeds growth, make predictions, and share their observations.

At the end of each session, they will also have the opportunity to virtually meet farmers who are out growing their food.

Geared towards children in second to fourth grades but open to all.

Visit for more information on this series and other children's and/or adult programs.

The Original Paint Nite Party

A variety of Original Paint Nite by Yaymaker virtual family and/or adult paint parties will be held via Zoom.

Grab the kids or not and unleash your inner artist. You'll all go from a blank canvas to a masterpiece of your own with plenty of laughs along the way. You'll be guided by a talented and entertaining artist who will walk through all the steps so you and your little ones can create your masterpieces.

Visit for registration and other information, including pictures of the featured paintings your perusal enjoyment and selection, the class schedule, the age range of the participants (6+, 13+, 21+) the class is geared towards, the price range of each class ($15 per person and up), and a list of supplies needed for the class.

SocietyX Virtual: The Pandemic Pantry with Chef Celeste

Join former America's Test Kitchen recipe developer and "Chopped" champion Celeste Rogers daily for deets on incredible eats as she hosts The Pandemic Pantry. Tune in Mondays through Fridays at 5 p.m. through May 8 streaming live.

Visit for recipes, video and online courses.

Virtual Day Party

A "Virtual Day Party" will be held during the nation's Stay.At.Home order from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. (CDT) on Saturdays and Thursdays via Zoom.

Celebrate life with two of the nation's hottest DJ's Mark FullaFlava & Malik Shabazz – put on your favorite dancing shoes, pour your favorite drink and appetizer and watch, listen and engage while your favorite DJs play your favorite music for four straight hours via Live Video Stream.

Visit for registration and other relevant information to make this a successful and fun Virtual Day Party.

NEMPAC Open Mic Night

The North End Music & Performing Arts Center (NEMPAC) is hosting a free Open Mic Community Night from 6 to 7 p.m. on Fridays via Zoom.

This event is open to all ages and abilities. Watch in the audience or sign up to perform by emailing ameek@nempacbos

Join Zoom Meeting: Password: NEMPAC 2020

For updates, visit and/or follow NEMPAC on social media @NEMPACboston

Riot X goes digital

Riot X – the experimental theater group at the Rozzie Square Theater – is dropping 10 new plays on their website at 6 p.m. on Saturdays until they reopen the doors again.

All contributions to help keep The Riot Theater Company going during these times are greatly appreciated at or Venno (last four digits 7995).

Julie Kaufmann Dancin' Virtual Dance Classes

Julie Kaufmann will host and teach virtual dance classes from 6 to 9 p.m. on Sundays and Wednesday Via

So push back the couch, roll back the rug, move the kitchen table, and get ready to dance! In an effort to keep us sane, get us moving again, and entertain while we practice "social gathering at a distance," she'll be teaching and reviewing some new dances, along with some oldies but goodies.

6 p.m.: Chat & Zoom help; 6:30-7:30 p.m.: Beginner hour; 7:30-8:30 p.m. Improver+ hour

Sliding scale donations are gratefully accepted. If you are income-impacted in any way, please enjoy the dancing free-of-charge and without guilt; otherwise if you can donate there are three options: $5 (all I can afford); $10 (regular price); $20 (a little extra) at

Visit for other information.

HAP 'n CHAT – Free Historic Enrichment

Visit @HistoryAtPlay on Facebook Live, at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays to meet the influential women of History At Play™, LLC: Deborah Sampson; Suffragist Lucy Stone; WWII heroines, including SOE leader Vera Atkins and SOE operative Virginia Hall; Challenger: Soaring with Christa McAuliffe, exhibiting the achievements of the beloved Teacher In Space; and Hollywood's Technological Phenom Hedy Lamarr are just a few of the women to meet.

These 30-minute Facebook Live meet-ups are conducted in period attire, based on primary-source research, and offer a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to have your questions answered live by historic women who overcame insurmountable challenges.

The HAP n' CHAT socials are conducted by Judith Kalaora, a classically-trained, London educated, professional historical interpreter.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience history in your home.

Visit or to learn more.

Online Movie Club

The intrepid leader of Fenway Community Center's popular First Friday Films brings her enthusiasm and DVDs online for your enjoyment. Join Amanda on Zoom at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and at 9 p.m. on Fridays.

You'll be able to text-chat during the film and video chat afterwards.

Email to get on the list for Zoom links and other details.

Murderino Mondays

True crime readers and listeners, let's sit crooked and talk straight! Podcasts, books, and docs are all open for discussion from 7 to 8 p.m. on Monday evenings hosted by the Fenway Community Center.

Email to get on the list for Zoom links and info.

Home Alone Art Series

The Somerville Arts Council is launching the Home Alone Art Series (HAAS),

Join Somerville Arts Council for live performances at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays as part of the Home Alone Art Series (HAAS).

The series of art-related performances live-streamed through Facebook will represent a variety of genres, including: Music, Visual Arts, Performance Writing, Theater, Dance and Multidisciplinary art forms.

View the event page for updates on upcoming streams.

The Future of Virtual Events – My XR.Social

The Future of Virtual Events – My XR.Social will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. on Saturdays through July 4.

Learn how to create your own 2D & 3D AR/VR gatherings on the web to host talks, expos, workshops, trainings, mixers and more.

Visit for registration and other information.

'The Art of Songwriting: Backstage'

The 2nd Generation Music will host "The Art of Songwriting Backstage" from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on the first Friday of each month through December 4.

Learn from artists who will share their experience in the music industry and help you understand how to develop our own songwriting process.

This program supports artists by coaching them on skills that improve their creativity through songwriting exercises, prompts, and creative writing among other topics.

Visit for registration and other details.


Boston Yoga Online

Boston Yoga Online has a list of virtual yoga classes taught by local instructors.

View the Google calendar at for a daily schedule of classes offered and information on how to join each one.

While many classes are available for free or donation, please be respectful of individual teacher payment policies.

Dharma in Daily Life

We are facing unprecedented challenges in this time of the novel coronavirus, and community, connection and self-care are more important than ever. At the same time, many people are finding it harder than ever to make time to meditate daily, to find ease, calm or joy, to take care of their own heart. You are not alone.

Join Narayan Helen Liebenson and the Cambridge Insight Meditation Center (CIMC) community for "Dharma in Daily Life," weekdays from 8:45 to 9 a.m. through May 29.

Narayan will offer 15 minutes of respite and support: a brief sitting practice, Dharma reflections, and her "Dharma Practice for Today" designed to help you live each day in a more connected, wise, generous and loving way.

Visit for other information, including the Zoom link to this daily offering. Or dial 646-876-9923 and enter the Meeting ID 846 003 521.

Care for the caregivers

MaryBeth Murphy will facilitate an informal gathering of healers from 10 to 11 a.m. on Saturdays through May 30.

MaryBeth is a longtime R.N. at Boston Children's Hospital and a certified holistic wellness coach and mindfulness mediation facilitator.

Join her on Zoom to get the support you need during these trying times. They are private and not recorded. All hospital workers are welcome.

Visit for registration and other information.

Guided Lovingkindness Practice/Mindful Discussions

Brown Mindfulness Center, School of Public Health, Brown University presents Saturday Guided Lovingkindness Practice and Mindful Discussions online from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays through May 23.

Free and open to the public, these weekly drop-in sessions are intended to support anyone interested in developing and sustaining a regular mindfulness meditation practice. This opportunity is for anyone, including the curious, former students and seasoned practitioners. Inspired by the essential principles of MBSR (Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction), each session includes guided mindfulness meditation practice and discussion on practice related themes.

Zoom Link:

Visit for registration and other relatable information.

Base Daily Drop-In

Join as different members of the Base team around the world gather folks for a break from noon to 1 p.m. on weekdays presented by Based in Boston.

This online space is for people who are in quarantine, working from home or otherwise in need of community to have a place to connect to each other and learn; it'll be part check-in, part text learning.

Join Zoom daily at or go to for the link.

Jean Appolon Expressions Livestream

Jean Appolon Expressions (JAE) is committed to building caring communities by creating hope and healing through Haitian Folkloric dance.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, JAE will offer a variety of online dance classes led by Jean, with JAE dancers demonstrating at his side, via Zoom and Facebook.

Click the Zoom link to register in advance for:

– AfroCuban Folklore (Yoruba) with Nadia from noon to 12:45 p.m. on Mondays;

– Contemporary with Lonnie from 5 to 5:45 p.m. on Tuesdays

– Afro-contemporary with Mcebisi from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. on Thursdays

Visit to access livestream at start time for:

– Jean's Power Workout from 7 to 7:20 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

– Jean's Haitian Folklore from 2:15 to 2:45 p.m. on Saturdays

The Patreon in-depth tutorials on Haitian folklore fundamentals are available on demand.

Visit for more information.

NamaStay Connected – Daily @ Noon, 6:30 or 8 p.m.

NamaStay Connected is an online series created by the people at NamaStaySober in order to keep you feeling connected and supported. They offer a variety of fitness programs (such as yoga meditations, strength and conditioning, and high energy workouts) and community conversations at noon and 6:30 or 8 p.m. every day.

All levels yoga flow. It is quite possible that Pete's bulldog will join the group.

These classes are free but donations are welcome. 50 percent of all donations will go to the instructor leading the class. They are a 501(c)3 charitable organization & thus all donations are tax deductible. After your transaction is processed, you will receive an email confirmation that will serve as a receipt.

Register at to receive the zoom link for your designated class.

Visit and/or visit their Facebook page to learn more.

Lunch Break Yoga

Lunch Break Yoga – brought to you by Hands to Heart Center and the Boston Public Library – will be held from noon to 12:30 p.m. on Tuesdays.

The yoga classes are geared for beginners with plenty of options and modifications for all bodies and ability levels.

The class will be live-streamed on YouTube/Hand To Heart Center – Yoga for the People or get the link at events. The recorded sessions will remain online.

Creative Meditations

Follow easy daily guided meditations from 12:30 to 1 p.m. and from 5:30 to 6 p.m. on Zoom LIVE. These meditations, facilitated by Your Dream Life 2020, are open to all faiths an can help you connect deeper with your practice.

Sign up at Zoom

Visit for other information. Donations are welcomed.

Virtual Café with Diane Darling and Friends

The Virtual Café with Diane Darling and Friends will be held from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesdays.

With so many people working remotely, Diane is offering the opportunity to meet online, connect, reconnect and learn from each other.

Each week, Diane will have a guest speaker. Join with your beverage of choice and get ready to "see" some friendly and helpful people.

Visit for information, including registration, an agenda and Zoom details.

Live Stream All-levels Samba Class

Samba Viva offers Brazilian Samba dance classes – all levels from 1:30 to 3 p.m. and intermediate from 8 to 9 p.m. – on Facebook Live + Instagram Live: SambaViva.

Donations are accepted but not required. Use PayPal:

Follow SambaViva on Facebook and/or visit for updates and announcements.

FRC's Check In

The Boston-Suffolk County Family Resource Center @ The Home for Little Wanderers will host a virtual check in from 2 to 3 p.m. on Mondays through June 1.

Join in and share information, interventions, and resources with Curtis Chambers.

For more information, email

'How to Improve Your Memory'

"How to Improve Your Memory – Boston" will be presented from 2 to 3 p.m. on Mondays by

In the You Tube webinar, you will learn

– Tips and strategies to improve your memory

– Exercises to help you focus

– Retention strategies

This class is ideal for students, professionals and lifelong learners.

Visit for registration and other information.

Visit to learn more.

'Speed Reading Class'

Learn speed-reading techniques and how to improve your comprehension at a "Speed Reading Class – Boston" held online from 2 to 3 p.m. on Tuesdays by

In the You Tube webinar, you will learn

– How fast you currently read

– How to improve reading speed and comprehension

– Drills and exercises

This class is ideal for students, professionals and lifelong learners.

Visit for registration and other information.

Visit to learn more.

'How to Improve Your Focus and Limit Distractions'

"How to Improve Your Focus and Limit Distractions – Boston" will be presented from 2 to 2:30 p.m. on Wednesdays by Learn how to sharpen your focus so you can get more done.

In the You Tube webinar, you will learn

– How to be more productive through increased focus

– About apps and online tools that improve your concentration

– How to trick yourself into paying more attention to tasks at hand

This class is ideal for students, professionals and lifelong learners.

Visit for registration and other information.

Visit to learn more.

2:50 – 10 minutes of daily meditation

Let's stop and take a deep breath together at 2:50 p.m. every day of the week…

– Because ongoing stress can lower the immune response;

– Because physical distancing can cause feelings of isolation;

– Because the things on your plate can probably wait 10 minutes.

Launched at MIT and now spreading through the greater Boston community, @2:50 has been and continues to convene daily since March 12 for 10 minutes of group silent reflection.

Visit for other information, including a link to participate in this ZOOM webinar.


Clarity, an Islamic Guidance for all Women in the Modern World with Q&A, will take place from 3 to 4 p.m. on Sundays through May 3.

These weekly seminars led by qualified female scholars from all walks of life are designed to help empower you in the face of modern day and contemporary issues. Teacher will help you connect to your faith to equip you with a toolkit to gain clarity on a variety of topics.

Please ensure only sisters sign up and when listening in only females have access to the screen.

Visit for registration and other information.

Healing Drum Circle

Bring your drum, healing hands, positive thoughts or any other form of healing and join us in collective sending and receiving from 21:00 to 22:00 BST/4 to 5 p.m. EDT on Sundays through May 31.

You can join Melonie Syrett live on as she holds space for this accompanied by Rachael Crow's healing circle.

Visit for registration and information about Melonie Syrett.

Friday Unwind: Gentle Yoga

Friday Unwind: Gentle Yoga – brought to you by Hands to Heart Center and the Boston Public Library – will be held from 4 to 5 p.m. on Fridays.

The yoga classes are geared for beginners with plenty of options and modifications for all bodies and ability levels.

The class will be live-streamed on YouTube/Hand To Heart Center – Yoga for the People or get the link at events. The recorded sessions will remain online.

FRC's Parent Zoom

The Boston-Suffolk County Family Resource Center @ The Home for Little Wanderers will host a virtual Parent Zoom from 4 to 5 p.m. on Fridays through June 12.

Join in and share information, interventions, and resources.

For more information, email

Art Appreciation/Music and Movement

New England Yachad presents Art Appreciation/Music and Movement from 4 to 6 p.m. on Tuesdays (Music activities) and Thursdays (Art activities) through May 24 via Zoom.

These activities are geared for New England Yachad members - ages 18+.

Visit for other information, including the Zoom link and/or phone numbers to connect to in order to participate.

Full Chakra Activation Guided Meditation

Want to lower your stress and anxiety instantly, be able to heal pains and aches, and have the best sleep ever?

Activate your chakras from 2 to 4 p.m. PDT/5 to 7 p.m. EDT on Saturdays through June 6 with Dr. Varun Gandhi, "The Life Orchestrator."

The free online webinar will consists of about an hour of guided meditation followed by a Q&A.

Visit for registration and other information.

'Get a Helmet' Guided Meditation

Get a Helmet is a quick breath, movement and meditation reset found at

Enjoy a free guided meditation live at 5 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays or get the replay to use at your convenience.

Holistic approach to improve spinal health

Is sedentary lifestyle taking a toll on your back? Do you want to maintain your spinal health? Reduce lower back pain, regain flexibility and lose weight at the same time?

Welcome to your class which takes a holistic approach at improving your spine health and living a pain-free life.

Chavi Bansal will safely walk you through the following:

– Proper exercises to strengthen and stretch your back.

– Tips to reduce stress and improve sleep/recovery.

– Proper nutrition and making healthy food choices.

– Correct posture while sitting, standing and lifting.

– Re-programming the mind to stop creating pain.

Catch the program from 5 to 6 p.m. on Fridays through May 15.

Visit her (local) websites: and/or for more information.

FCC Online Guided Meditations

Guided Meditations and Kirtan Nights with Pallavi and Vaibhav will be held online from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays to help participants reduce stress, improve emotional health, and practice self-compassion.

Access Zoom links at for other information.

NamaStay Flowing: Arlington Street Church

NamaStay Flowing is community event held from 6 to 8 p.m. on the second Sunday of the month through July 12 that focuses on creating a life of love, abundance, and intimacy with the people and the world around us rather than talking about the unhealthy habits that keep us stuck.

The community conversation, facilitated by Theresa Drum, focuses on connection and mindfulness.

NamaStay Flowing events are focused on inclusion, connection and community, a safe space where all people are welcome to attend and love and possibility abounds.

Visit and/or visit their Facebook page to learn more.

Virtual Fire Pit Fridays

Join Weir River Farm (Hingham) on Facebook Live from 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. on Fridays for a livestream of the sunset from the top of Turkey Hill.

Grab your favorite drink and food and unwind by watching the fire crackle and the sky turn ablaze at

Visit for other information.

Deep Thoughts Discussion Group

A Deep Thoughts Discussion Group will be held from 6:45 to 9:45 p.m. on Wednesdays, led and moderated by Robert Berend, J.D., Ph.D., who has been offering this group at different locations around the world for many years.

This is an inclusive discussion group open to all people and opinions. Their goal is to meet with a new topic at each gathering, and hold an open discussion for engaging conversation and sharing of ideas.

Here are our upcoming topics with new ones added periodically:

May 6: Perception vs Reality, Who are you really?

May 13: On being different and an outsider

May 20: Transience of life and experience

May 27: Does therapy help?

June 3: The Power of Gratitude

June 10: Love, sex and relationships

June 17: Ultimate question(s) to God/the Universe

June 24: If you could teach/implement one concept into human society… Meeting ID: 392-906-8802 Password: BOSTON

(Laptops and Chrome work best)

Can We Chat?

In an effort to care for ourselves and others the Boston-Suffolk County Family Resource Center @ The Home for Little Wanderers will have regular virtual check-ins from 7 to 8 p.m. on Sundays through June 7.

Join the group and talk about what we may be in need of as we navigate this "new normal."

For more information, email

FRC's CareGivers Corner

The Boston-Suffolk County Family Resource Center @ The Home for Little Wanderers will host a virtual CareGivers Corner from 7 to 8 p.m. on Wednesdays through June 10.

This is a prime opportunity to check in and to share information, resources, and interventions.

For more information, email

FCC Neighborhood Chat

The Fenway Community Center (1282 Boylston St.) is hosting a Neighborhood Chat from 8 to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesdays and from 1 to 1:30 p.m. on Fridays through May 13.

Some of us may need assistance, such as picking up a hot meal and leaving it at the door. Some of us may have resources to share. All of us need a chat and a good laugh! Find out how other community members are doing and share information and ideas.

Visit for other details, including the link and Meeting ID number.

Tame Stress and Eliminate Reactivity

Art Burns will present "How to Tame Stress and Eliminate Reactivity in Less Than Eight Weeks" from 8 to 9 p.m. on Sundays through Sept. 27.

During this free event, you'll discover:

– A deep understanding of the stress response in your body and what causes it to happen

– How stress operates and how it impacts our emotions and our thought process and hijacks our day

– Four simple practices you can use immediately to reduce your stress and reactivity

A full Q&A session will be held before the end of the presentation until all questions have been answered to give you the most value possible.

Visit for other information, including registration and Zoom link.

Celebrate Recovery Meetings

Celebrate Recovery Men and Women Open Share meetings will be held from 8 to 9 p.m. on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday through July 27 via Zoom.

Anyone who is struggling with feelings of loneliness, isolation, depression, anxiety, grief, loss and any habit, hurt or handful is welcome to participate. When you share your thoughts and feelings, they lose power over you, and then you begin to feel lighter and healthier.

Visit for registration and Zoom info.

NamaStay Flowing: FitMind Online Meditation and Mindfulness

Liam from FitMind will lead a free online video focused on Meditation and Mindfulness from 8 to 9 p.m. on the first Monday of the month through July via Zoom Online. An audio-only option is also available.

Upon registering you will receive an email with the login information.

Visit and/or visit their Facebook page to learn more.

'The Soul Experience' with Rabbi B & Ariela HaLevi

"The Soul Experience" with Rabbi B & Ariela HaLevi is a virtual spiritual and healing service incorporating Jewish-inspired prayer, mediation, mindfulness practice, chanting, singing, yoga, mystical text study, guided visualization and more.

The event meets from 9 to 10 p.m. on Thursdays through Dec. 31 on

Qur'an & Community: Nightly Qur'an Gathering

The Islamic Center at New York University Center DC, Middle Ground Muslim Center and SWISS comes together online with folks from all over the globe to counter the isolation caused by #Coronavirus every night at 10 p.m. through May 5.

Each facilitator will share and read with the group, a portion of the Qur'an, followed by their reflection and a brief discussion with participants. It's important that we gather together during difficult times and foster an attachment to Allah's book and each other.

This is a free event.

Visit for registration and other information, including a list of guest reciters and facilitators.

Unity Recovery Groups Online

Unity Recovery + WEconnect + SOS Recovery + Alano Club are offering free virtual recovery meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic as follows:

For Individuals – 7 a.m., 9 a.m., noon, 3 p.m., 6 p.m., 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. daily

For Family and Loved Ones – 8 p.m. daily;

For LGBTQ+ – 11 a.m. on Wednesdays;

For Women Only – 7 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays;

Unity Recovery supports all pathways and programs of recovery from mental health and substance use disorders and is open to anyone.

Visit for other information.

Visit for the links.

Free Virtual Martial Arts Classes

Premier Martial Arts is offering virtual martial arts classes going over the basic martial arts moves along with the importance of focus, confidence, self-control, and discipline.

Go to to set up your/your child's complimentary introductory class and you'll receive an email with instructions and an online class schedule.

Visit to learn more.

Three extraordinary spaces to take a walk

The 281-acre jewel in Olmsted's Emerald Necklace of parklands is a great place to enjoy and it comes with an interactive map.

The 265-acres of the Arnold Arboretum landscape remains open to the public to enjoy.

Forest Hills Cemetery has more than 275 rolling acres bursting with carefully cultivated bushes, tress and plantings and several walking paths – the perfect setting for art, sculpture, memorials and architecture.

Franklin Park, the largest park and crowing jewel of the Olmsted's achievements in Boston encompasses 527 acres filled with trees and birds and small bodies of water, like Scarborough Pond and Lake Hibiscus to discover.

Please remember social distancing – stay six feet away from others and no handshaking or hugging. Fist bumping and elbow rubbing aren't great ideas either since the back of your hands and your elbows (stores sneezes) collect germs as well.

This is a great time to take a walk by yourself or with your family – it is not an opportunity to gather together with a large group of friends.

And, if you are not feeling well – please stay home and give yourself a chance to heal!

Other exciting places to walk

Spring is here and although most events in the city are canceled or postponed, you can still take a walk and enjoy the beauty of nature.

There are many places in the area to walk and enjoy the outdoors. The Harborwalk is a 43-mile linear park along Boston's shoreline. It connects Boston's waterfront neighborhoods to Boston Harbor and each other, stretching from the Neponset River in lower Dorchester to Constitution Beach in East Boston via Charlestown, the North End, Downtown, Seaport, South Boston and Dorchester. Get more information at

The Rose Kennedy Greenway is a 17-acre park runs through several neighborhoods. It offers landscaped gardens, promenades, plazas, fountains, art and specialty lighting systems that stretch over one mile through Chinatown, the Financial District, the Waterfront and North End. The 17-acre Greenway sits on land created from demolition of the John f. Fitzgerald Expressway during the Big Dig.

There are many places in the Back Bay area to walk. The Public Garden is filled with the colors of the new season. Boston Common is always a nice place to walk, as is the Commonwealth Avenue Mall and Charles River Esplanade.  

Please remember social distancing – stay six feet away from others and no handshaking or hugging. Fist bumping and elbow rubbing aren't great ideas either since the back of your hands and your elbows (stores sneezes) collect germs as well.

This is a great time to take a walk by yourself or with your family – it is not an opportunity to gather together with a large group of friends.

And, if you are not feeling well – please stay home and give yourself a chance to heal!


Adventures in Chemistry

The American Chemical Society has a collection of fun activities, puzzles and games. Try out some experiments such as "Colors on the Mooove!" or "Time for Slime" and play some games such as "Bugs on the Run" or "Outer Space Molecule Chase."

Watch some videos and learn about the Coronavirus vaccine or what's in the smell of first rain?

There some classroom science activities for teachers too.

All this and more at

Authors Everywhere

Authors Everywhere is a YouTube Channel created and run by children's book writers and illustrators.

On this channel, you'll find workshops, readings, activities, art projects, writing games, writing advice, and more. They hope to offer you some fun, some distraction, and a creative outlet for any feelings that might come up during this troublesome time.

Ben Clanton

Author/illustrator of Nawhal and Jelly series Ben Clanton does story time and Squiggles & Scribbles drawing lesson on Facebook and Instagram. Learn more at

Bob Ross 'Joy of Painting' Shows

All the "happy little paintings" that you enjoyed on every season of The Joy of Painting is on Bob Ross's YouTube page. There are more than 400 painting tutorials to choice from – some are short clips while others are full 30 episodes.

Just pick an episode – perhaps a painting featuring mountain, a lake in front of a mountain or a wooded trail leading up to a mountain – and re-create it as your own.

All you need is paint, a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind to get started, as Ross used to say. And remember, there are no mistakes, "only happy coincidences."

Bob Ross first started showing viewers how to wield their "unlimited power on canvas" through The Joy of Painting on PBS in 1983. While the show ended in 1994, Ross remains a cultural icon and source of tranquility for many to this day.

Boston Children's Museum Resources

The Boston Children's Museum's has free resources that inspire creativity and fun at home.

Among the resources is 100 Ways to Play – from cooking and crafting (such as origami, beading, paper dolls and accessories), to imagination and observation games, to exploring and movement activities.

Follow them on Instagram @BostonChildrensMuseum and submit a photo of your own creation as part of their first ever CreatedBy Make-A-Thon.

Visit for other details.

Boston Harbor Island Junior Ranger

Did you know that you can become a Boston Harbor Islands Junior Ranger from anywhere?

By becoming a Junior Ranger, kids learn about the Boston Harbor Islands through hands-on experiences and can even earn an official Junior Ranger badge. Download resources online at and start your exploration today.

Boston Red Sox Home Fun

Hit a home run with Red Sox 'Home Fun' activity pages, updated weekly.

Kids can have lots of Red Sox-themed fun with coloring pages, games and puzzles, spot the difference, math & STEM worksheets, comic books, videos, and Fenway Farms Recipes.

Get into the spirit of baseball season with reminders of Fenway Park and The Boston Red Sox at

Celebrity Story Time

Check out Storyline Online's digital library for a special story time with celebrities like Oprah, Betty White, Sean Aston, Michelle Obama and Allison Janney among others. Frozen star Josh Gad (Olaf) is also reading to kids on Twitter. Here's how your family can get in on the fun!

Children's Museum Easton – Social Distance Crafting

The Children's Museum Easton is offering Social Distance Crafting videos on their Facebook page.

If your child(ren) completes one of their daily projects, they will share the final product for kids to see what other kids are making at home. Use the hashtag #socialdistancelearning and make sure your post is public for them to see it.

Christine's Critters Rescue and Rehabilitation Mission

Christine's Critters rescues and rehabilitates more than 250 birds each year. For the "rescue rehabilitate release" video, along with other videos, go to

Every weekday while schools and libraries are closed, Christine will come to you LIVE on Facebook with a different program. You will meet hawks, owls, falcons, eagles, snakes, lizards, frogs and more. Like her page and you will receive a notification when they go live each day.

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Start each morning with Cosmic Kids Yoga to help everyone get centered for the day. Each 15-minute-long video features a cute theme and simple yoga moves that are great for toddlers and older kids alike.


Creativebug has more than 1000 online art and craft classes taught by recognized design experts and artists.

Visit Creativebug Television (CBTV) where you can get a deeper look into the processes, studios, and daily lives of your favorite artists. Check out their exclusive documentaries, HD versions of their Live Facebook videos, mesmerizing timelapses, and more. All content is free and shareable.

Visit to learn more.

Dr. Janet's Science Planet

At Dr. Janet's Science Planet you can find some cool science activities; some fun downloads, some cool gear, including Scientist T-shirts; and a lot of Science Links for more fun.

Kids can blow up a balloon with baking soda, create a purple cabbage pH scale, and maybe melt some ice cubes. You can also play The Fate Map Game.

Dr. Janet's Science Planet series of science shorts can be found on YouTube, new ones appearing at. The videos are geared for 3- to 8-year olds with an adult guardian.

Science for the fun of it can be found at

Educational Escape Rooms

BreakoutEDU is an online "Escape Room" with puzzles for K-12 students. A selection has been made free with games that incorporate math, science, and history into topics like carnival games, cooking, and dino digs.

Everyday Nature: Simple Activities for Outdoor Fun and Learning

The Arnold Arboretum has put together some simple nature tasks for all ages that are simple, varied, and open ended and can be done in your own backyard or neighborhood while social distancing. A different activity will be posted each weekday through April 30.

Visit for more information

Visit #GetOutside, #EverydayNatureTasks and #OutdoorLearning to share your discoveries on social media.

Exploring Shadows

Get some fresh air and explore shadows. Trace each other's shadows on pavement (or paper) with chalk. If you come back to that space later in the day and trace the shadows again (remember to mark where to stand), what do you notice? You can also use toy animals, blocks, or any other objects. Create a dinosaur parade and trace their shadows. Use the back of old wrapping paper and crayons or markers to create new personalized wrapping paper for your next celebration. (Remember Social Distancing)

FPAC Themed Art Challenge

The Fort Point Arts Community has a weekly themed art challenge.

Post your piece on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter with the hashtag #FPACFriday each week with your name, medium and website.

Visit for other information.

Genealogy for the next generation

Several free, easy-to-do fun activities that will keep kids entertained and get them thinking about their family history are available at

These exercises are designed to teach critical skills while encouraging kids to explore their personal connection to the past. Studies show that young people who know facts about their heritage have a stronger sense of self, which can help them perform better in school and life. Have fun!

Girl Scout fun for everyone

Join girls from all over Eastern Massachusetts for at home fun. The GS Council is adding virtual badge activities, programs, and resources for girls and families to engage with from home every day.

Girl Scout membership is not necessary to participate, so you can get a chance to experience Girl Scouts for free. Check back often!

If you would like to learn more about Girl Scouts, visit

Global Shark Tracker                                                                      

Use the Global Shark Tracker to learn about where great white sharks hang out and why. Can you find Grizz? Fitzy? Fletcher? What about Emily the sea turtle? Are there any sharks near Honduras? Puerto Rico? How about Massachusetts?

Greenway Carousel Coloring Book

Greenway Conservancy invites you to bring your favorite Greenway Carousel creatures home by downloading a free sample of their Greenway Carousel Coloring Book Artist palette at

Harbor at Home

Boston Harbor Now has launched Harbor At Home, their online video gallery created to help you form a stronger connection to the Harbor, waterfront, and Islands from the comfort of your home.

Catch fitness classes, art tutorials, history talks, nature walks, and more, all contributed by their community partners and curated by the folks at Boston Harbor Now.

Videos will be updated regularly, so check back to find the latest in virtual Harbor happenings.

ICA has DIY projects and more

Visit Institute of Contemporary Art (100 Northern Ave.) for a DIY Yayoi Kusama Tentacles craft project for kids and adults to make together; enjoy Video + Audio recordings including artist interviews, studio visits, and talks between artists and curators; find in-depth information about individual artworks in the ICA's permanent collection; learn about and view the Sterling Ruby exhibition.

Visit for details.

LEGO Building & Imagination 30 Day Challenge

Are you ready for a LEGO Challenge?

NASA needs you to build a rocket; Design and build your dream bedroom; Create something that represents the Webelos; Make your favorite food and see if someone can guess what it is; .

Create a pattern; Fill a rectangle with Legos without going over the edges.

You can print these challenges (and more) or just write them out and explore!

These brick building ideas will help spark kids of all ages' imagination without showing or telling them exactly what to build.

Doing one a day makes incorporating daily STEM activities a fun learning experience plus it get kids (and adults) off the iPad or computer.

Go to; or visit for variations on the calendars – i.e. 3 Days of Play Calendar; 31 Day Cub Scout LEGO Calendar; 31 Spring LEGO Calendar

LEGO Ship Shape Competition

Calling all LEGO® brick fans – the USS Constitution Museum is bringing its popular Ship Shape Competition online. Let your imagination set sail with weekly build challenges that will be announced on Fridays at noon on the Museum's Facebook page @USSConstitutionMuseum.

How to participate:

1) Build a new LEGO® creation to fit that week's challenge.

2) Take a picture and share in that week's LEGO ® Competition post. Make sure to include the contestant's age and a short description of the creation.

To make the competition fun for all ages, there will be the following age brackets: 5 years old and younger, 6 to10 years old, 11 to 15 years old, and 16 to 105 years old.

The ship with the most likes by Monday at noon will be the winner.

Along the way, they will post some of their staff's favorite past winners and LEGO® related activities and instructions.

LeVar Burton Reads

In every episode, host LeVar Burton (best known for roles in Reading Rainbow, Roots, Star Trek) invites you to take a break from your daily life and dive into a great story.

LeVar's narration blends with gorgeous soundscapes to bring more than 80 stories by Neil Gaiman, Haruki Murakami, Octavia Butler, Ray Bradbury and others to life. So, if you're ready, let's take a deep breath… and listen at


Everyone's favorite children's musician has music and a variety of entertaining (and teachable moment) videos on her page at

Milk Street Online Cooking School

Christopher Kimball's Milk Street is offering their online classes for free through Sunday, May 31.

In the video lessons with step-by-step tutorials you'll learn new ways to approach food and cooking as well as trying out new recipes.

Visit to learn more.

Minni Design Club Challenge

Let's get creative together! has launched the Minni Design Club (#MinniDesignClub), a club for all Minni followers (and future followers) to join.

Each week they'll post a new design challenge (#MaterialChallenge) for all ages to inspire creativity at home.

Share your finished projects with the community on Instagram story using #minnidesignclub.


Check out what's new on #MOSatHome with new

– Virtual exhibits to explore

– Thought-provoking Pulsar podcasts (with topics from outer space to the prehistoric) to listen to

– Sparks of Science videos to watch

– Family STEM activities for you to take part in at home

– Adult Programs after Dark in SubSpace (include free live events, music performances, conversations; art experiences and gaming, among others

Visit for more details.

National Geographic Kids

Explore the world without leaving home with a little help from National Geographic Kids.

From animals and geography to science, nature, and history, there are so many amazing facts just waiting to be discovered.

New England Conservatory Musical Storytime

The New England Conservatory (NEC) is conducting their annual Musical Storytelling events on YouTube.

The Musical Storytelling events feature a mix of 'meet the instruments' and musical storytelling sessions geared towards young children and families in this online version of the popular annual program. While best suited for children ages 3 to 7 years old, listeners of all ages are most welcome to join the fun. Video sessions will range from 20-40 minutes each.

– Cellist Alex Fowler shares stories about monkeys and other fun cello tricks

– Meet the wild and wacky bassoon and use your imagination to create your own stories

inspired by its sounds

– Sharing music all the way from Taiwan, violinist Angela Wang introduces the

violin and the amazing world of the Gruffalo. The story is narrated by a special family guest

– Meet the Oboe with Cheyanna Duran and hear the story of an animal that often sounds like it

– Gather round the rocking chair for a newly created musical story, performed by a father

and daughter duo violinists

Visit for other information.

Ocean Science After School Program at Piers Park Sailing Center

Find lots of activities and resources for at-home learning from the Ocean Science After School Program. Visit to learn more, including videos and downloadables.

Old Colony History Museum fun

The Old Colony History Museum (Taunton) always says "History Happens Here" and now their staff has curated some awesome educational resources, including historical how to's, challenges, and activities, so you can "Make History" from home.

Learn how to make berry ink, butter, ice cream and thaumatropes; become a photo detective; turn your house into your very own museum of your family's treasures; these are just a sampling of some fun activities.

Follow the links at and have fun exploring.

Share your results with them @oldcolonyhistory and #kidsmakehistory.

Origami Video Tutorials & Art Projects for Kids from PEM

Looking for museum-inspired activities you can create at home? We've got you covered with origami video tutorials, fun finger puppets and downloadable coloring pages from PEM's children's book Piece by Piece.

Share your creations on social media and tag @peabodyessex so we can see what you make!

Visit for more information.

Patriots fun

Test your knowledge with a variety of trivia games and challenges. You can also find Patriots themed coloring pages, word search, crossword puzzles and more all at

Story Time from Space

Hey Kids! NASA Crew members are reading books from the space station and/or performing a science experiment that goes along with concepts mentioned within the books.

Visit for other information, including links to StoryTimeFromSpace and/or follow @Storytimespace. See also

Stuff You Missed in History Class

Do you like learning about history? Try the "Stuff You Missed in History Class" podcast. As its title suggests, this podcast delves into lesser-known historical facts and figures. From the greatest to the strangest, the hosts explore interesting tidbits from the past.

The Gottabees: Try This At Home

Try This At Home is brought to you by The Gottabees – a Boston-based ensemble that, for the last seven years, has been happily making "super fun theater for the whole family."

They know that, right now, you're all spending a lot of time as a "whole family." So, they're giving you a few moments out of your day where you can enjoy being together – an excuse to giggle, gasp, cheer and play together. New videos are posted on Tuesday mornings.

Visit to enjoy anytime.

Tipspoke Family Fun Activities has a variety of fun activities for the family, including:

Art Projects & Fun Activities at Home –

Cool Science Experiments –

Family Games – games

Magic Tricks –

Trivia Games for the Family

Smile Mass has a variety of trivia games – kids' quizzes, adult quizzes, family quizzes, topic specific quizzes – something for everyone.

Play against your neighbors, friends and family members. Have some fun and perhaps learn a new fact or two. Check the leaderboard for each individual quiz to see how you stack up.

To participate in their trivia games, they ask you to make a $5 donation for access to all of their trivia games, so they can continue their mission to support the most vulnerable in their community.

Go to for more information.

Ukele Storytime: Baby Rhyme Time

Miss Rose from Ukulele Storytime is posting new Baby Rhyme Time videos every Monday on Her sessions are geared towards babies up to 24 months, but all ages can enjoy them.

'What if World'

For a fun podcast for ages 5-10, check out "What if World," where the narrator spins comic tales out of kids' questions, such as "What if Santa were an elephant?" or "What if sharks had legs?"

Visit for more details.

Zooniverse is an online citizen science project and the largest platform for people-powered research. Teens and adults can sign up and volunteer to help classify wildlife, transcribe historical texts, identify celestial bodies, and more, all without leaving your tablet or computer.


Amidst all the closings, cancellations and postponements of venues, events and activities in Boston and around the world, always remember the words of the song "What a Wonderful World" – "I see skies of blue and clouds of white…"

The days are getting longer and the sun is shining brighter. The birds are returning and making their family nests. It's a delight to hear them chirping. The bulbs are carrying on doing what they do and pushing up to become colorful plants and flowers, awakening our senses as well. We are all part of the "Interconnected Web of Life" by all the acts of kindness that we share with others.

Happy Spring, Everyone!

Silver Linings

Let's face it: Life is really tough right now. But we can all look for silver linings during this uncertain time.

Read about and/or share your silver linings – Personal Blessings, as well as favorite Quotes, Songs, Movies, Books, Favorite Games, Podcasts, Question of the Day at #PandemicPositivity.

1 Million Acts of Kindness Challenge

Join the Kindness Movement – a super simple concept. Organizations, groups and individuals are all coming together to make their act of kindness count towards making 1 million acts in 2020.

We want to show not only the power of kindness but also that when we unite together we have the power to change the world.

It's so simple to be a part of the 1 million. You can post your acts of kindness to and 'Be 1 in a million'.

But if you feel a little shy to share, why not take a free ticket and commit to doing your act of kindness - they trust you.

Visit for more details.

Boston Children's Chorus – 'Rise Up'

The Boston Children's Chorus, in collaboration with the Denver Children's Choir, the Children's Chorus of Washington DC, the Gondwana Choirs of Sydney and the Cincinnati Boychoir, presents "Rise Up" by Andra Day. They do a wonderful job spreading a message of hope and unity in a time when it is really needed.

Camden Voices – 'True Colors'

Need to be uplifted? Check out this version of "True Colors" with the Camden Voices virtual chorus from Great Britain.

David Wesley Virtual Choir

Here's a wonderful virtual choir version of "In Christ Alone." The David Wesley Virtual Choir's a cappella performance features the voices of 48 singers from 14 countries. This labor of love took many hours of work over a course of five months to produce in 2018. The words and music are by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty and the vocal arrangement are by David Wesley.

The choir also has a very nice version of "A Might Fortress is Our God." This hymn included 176 people from 34 countries and was recorded in 2019. 

For more information, visit David Wesley:




E-mail List:

'It is well' with Studio Singers

Thirty one members of Nashville's Studio Singers used their cell phones during Nashville's Safer at Home order to record and lift their collective voices to share a message of hope and encouragement with the hymn "It is well."

The video features mashups of the singers recording their respective parts from their residences. The project was produced and arranged by David Wise.

To view, click here.

From Our Homes to Yours – Everything Possible –Boston Gay Men's Chorus

The Boston Gay Men's Chorus released a virtual chorus video where members sang from their homes all over New England and dedicated it to health care workers, first responders, grocery store employees, emergency childcare providers, janitors, and everyone else working daily to keep us healthy and safe.

They are thankful for your courage and commitment. As the song says, "the only measure of your words and your deeds will be the love you leave behind when you're done." And may each of you "dream all the day never reaching the end of everything possible for you."

See it here.

DYI Fabric Masks Tutorials

Instructions to make Fabric Masks (with Filter Pocket) for medical facilities are available on

Positive Messages

For colorful illustrations with positive messages visit

Chalk Messages of Hope

The Atlantic Avenue sidewalk between Lewis Wharf and the Sail Loft in the North End has new Chalk Messages of Hope (for thanks and positivity) daily for passersby to enjoy.

Hearts for Helpers

Show support and say thank you by making/putting hearts on display in your windows for all the first responders, health care /pharmacy workers, food industry workers, gas attendants, service providers/cashiers, delivery drivers, postal workers, religious leaders and all the other essential helpers in your community and beyond who are risking their health to keep us safe.

It makes a great craft project for children of all ages to make and decorate hearts to hang. See for inspiration.

Rainbows Unite

Kids in North End Boston are hanging Rainbow Art in the windows to add a touch of warmth and smiles to the passers-by.

Join the fun – and put out a sign of happiness, a sign of warmth, a sign of welcome, a sign of inclusiveness, a sign that says everything will be okay.

Show the world that we can be a community – and a nation – that shines a beacon of hope and love in these uncertain times.

Teddy Bear Hunt

Stuffed animal scavenger hunts are making life bear-able for bored kids.

Stuffed animals are appearing everywhere along the streets and in the windows all across the world in the global "Teddy Bear Hunts" for children – uniting neighborhoods and giving children an exciting, social distancing safe scavenger hunt activity during shelter-in-place.

The hunts are inspired by the children's book We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen (1989) – reading, another family-friendly activity to share.

Dublin Youth Choir

This is the Dublin Youth Choir's virtual version of "Nader My God by U." The virtual choir includes more than 60 singers from the Youth Choir, Chamber Choir and DYC Singers. The song is by James Stevens, arranged by André van der Merwe.

Music for the coming of spring

Despite everything that is happening with the coronavirus, spring is still coming to New England. Here's an excellent virtual version of Aaron Copland's "Appalachian Spring" as played by the musicians of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra.

South Shore Children's Chorus

Here is the South Shore Children's Chorus's virtual version of "Beautiful City" from "Godspell." This was recently record. Learn more at

'Together, at Home' – online concerts

"Together, at Home," is a new series of online concerts presented by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Global Citizen that aims to "unite humanity at a time when many may feel isolated at home and inspire people to take meaningful action" to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus.

"Together, at Home" will continue to feature livestream shows from a number of musical artists throughout the duration of social distancing protocols via social media channels.

Visit for other information.

Virtual 'Lockdown Waltz'

The "Lockdown Waltz" by the Corona Orchestra came together with 121 tracks recorded by 75 musicians in 11 countries on three continents playing virtually. 

Learn more at and

Virtual 'Ode to Joy'

There are a few virtual versions of "Ode to Joy" now available. This one with the musicians from the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra is one of the best. These musicians, who are self-isolating due to the coronavirus pandemic, came together to record a virtual, collaborative performance of Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony from their homes.

Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is an ode to humanity, to peace over desperation, to universal kinship and, of course, to joy.

'What can we do for our country?'

Message from the JFK Library and Museum:

"In a time when the nation must come together to protect the most vulnerable among us, President Kennedy's call to ask 'what can we do for our country' couldn't be more relevant. He believed deeply that each of us can make a difference and everyone should try. Never has that been more true than right now. Thanks to everyone for helping your family, community, the country, and the world."

'What if' with 2,292 virtual singers

This is not new, but this version of "What if" from "Paradise Lost" is just as meaningful and uplifting now as it was when Eric Whitacre and 2,292 young singers from 80 different countries joined together to create a special Virtual Youth Choir film for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games as part of a unique partnership with UNICEF. 

Singers, ages 18 and under from around the globe, recorded and submitted videos to be part of Whitacre's first-ever Virtual Youth Choir. According to the group, "parents, older siblings, friends and teachers helped children as young as two rehearse and record in bedrooms, living rooms and rehearsal halls at the far reaches of the Earth so they could sing in the VYC. In many cases, the voice of just one child represents an entire country, proving that one person can help change the world for the better. These global singers came together to be part of something momentous – to support UNICEF to help save and change children's lives around the world. Together we can #putchildrenfirst."

'What the World Needs Now' – Virtual Orchestra

What started as an idea on a student's flight home from Berklee College ended in collaboration with some of the most incredible people.

Visit or for a little something special to brighten your day.

Share it with other to help promote positivity and optimism while we need it the most.

• ARTS AND CULTURE SITES (Some with Live Cams)

Google Arts & Culture

Google Arts & Culture ( offers online tours and exhibits of hundreds of museums around the world, including several in Boston which are also listed under specific Neighborhoods. Links to view ALL, A-Z, and Map are included.

AFH Social Distance Gallery

Artists for Humanity (100 W 2nd St.) has launched the #FHA Social Distance Gallery. ⁣

In times like these we're all artists – experimenting with new ways of being, seeing, sharing, and helping; each of us with an important paint box of ideas and resources, and collaborative spirit to match. In that sense, we're all Artists for Humanity.

Visit for the links to purchase art work and to your daily dose of art on Instagram @AFHBoston.

ArtsEmerson – Together Apart: Explore New Worlds

ArtsEmerson has launched its newest digital initiative, Together Apart: Explore New Worlds from Your Home, a curated series of previously presented performances as well as new video conversations with bold and imaginative artists associated with those creations.

The digital series will offer regularly posted content via

Register for the series here to receive updated access links and viewing reminders for all online events.

BSO at home

The BSO offers a wide variety of audio and video options of some of their greatest performances in Symphony Hall and at Tanglewood each weekday morning at 10 a.m.

WCRB will present "BSO Encores: Nightly at 8" spotlighting favorite Boston Symphony Orchestra live-recorded broadcasts from the past five seasons.

There will also be video tutorials with BSO musicians created to support students and at-home learning along with some behind the scenes videos from BSO musicians and conductors (sharing life off-stage) featuring anecdotes, personal reflections and insights, and short informal performances.

These offerings are all available at and the BSO You Tube and Social Media Channels.

Boston Lyric Opera: 'Norma' On-Demand Streaming  

BLO's stage may be dark, but with thanks to their partner 99.5 WCRB Classical Radio Boston, they are proud to announce that they are bringing the audio from the Norma final dress rehearsal to your homes.

BLO's Norma, starring Elena Stikhina in the title role and conducted by Music Director David Angus, will be available for Free On Demand audio streaming and accessible through April 29.

EMK Institute on You Tube

View video highlights from Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate at Columbia Point, including Getting to the Point programs and Year in Review 2019 among other items.

Visit for more information, including quick links to You Tube.

Favorite Musicians on Instagram

Lots of musicians are trending on Instagram and other social media channels to sing their way through the pandemic and to connect with fans. Check out your favorite musicians, including national and regional artists and local students, too.

Gibson House Museum Virtual Tours

Catch up on blogs, take a virtual tour and learn more about its history at

The Museum's latest blog post on the 250th anniversary of the Boston Massacre can be found at

HAP 'n CHAT – Free Historic Enrichment

Visit @HistoryAtPlay on Facebook Live, at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays to meet the influential women of History At Play™, LLC: Deborah Sampson; Suffragist Lucy Stone; WWII heroines, including SOE leader Vera Atkins and SOE operative Virginia Hall; Challenger: Soaring with Christa McAuliffe, exhibiting the achievements of the beloved Teacher In Space; and Hollywood's Technological Phenom Hedy Lamarr are just a few of the women to meet.

These 30-minute Facebook Live meet-ups are conducted in period attire, based on primary-source research, and offer a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to have your questions answered live by historic women who overcame insurmountable challenges.

The HAP n' CHAT socials are conducted by Judith Kalaora, a classically-trained, London educated, professional historical interpreter.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience history in your home.

Visit or to learn more.

Huntington @ Home

Huntington @ Home, a series of new programs to connect with their audiences, includes:

Special online performances and messages from artists:

One-on-one phone calls with staff – they'll bring you a short monologue about past productions or a conversation about how the theatre created one of their plays or musicals:

Huntington@HomeSchool for distance learning and short classes:

Visit the Huntington Theatre Company at for more information.

Leica Live

Leica has a series of free online educational talks as part of its #StayHomeWithLeica program.

On Saturdays, Leica stores and galleries from Boston to Los Angeles are hosting Instagram Live interviews with celebrated photographers .Learn new photo tips and techniques on how to express your visual creativity and connect with their featured photographers during the Q&A.

On Sundays, viewers can attend virtual Leica Akademie seminars led by photography professionals who will share insights on topics such as how to photograph family and friends.

Visit for more details.

MoMA NYC offers Free Online Arts Classes

MoMA NYC has launched a series of free classes for those interested in better understanding the 91-year-old museum's collection via the online teaching platform Coursera at

Covering contemporary art, fashion and photography, the comprehensive beginner courses with corresponding readings and exercises will take anywhere from 12 to 38 hours to complete.

Designers, historians, manufacturers and other style experts discuss 70 different garments and accessories in "Fashion as Design" while "Seeing Through Photography" will use photos from the last 180 years to explore the difference between seeing and understanding an image.

Visit for a virtual tour of their collections.

National Cherry Blossom Festival - Painting Brought to Live

Visit the 2020 National Cherry Blossom Festival website to enjoy the cherry blossom season. This virtual painting shows the falling of the blossoms and re-blooming – in a beautiful 15-minute animated loop. The original painting is by Virginia artist brad Stevens and animated as a MultiState Painting by Liquid Canvas. It's the perfect screensaver.

Visit the for featured videos and performances as well.

National Theatre at Home

The National Theatre in London is making select live productions available in full on their YouTube channel. A new show will debut each Thursday and remain online for one week.

Upcoming shows include "One Man, Two Guvnors," "Jane Eyre," "Treasure Island" and "Twelfth Night."

Niagara Falls

Experience the power of Niagara Falls, Canada.

'The Best of Nikon Live'

The "Best of Nikon LIVE" is an online compilation of video presentations from some of the world's greatest professional photographers sourced from the Nikon Live archives. The videos focus on technical tricks, such as "Pro Tips for Camera Setup," as well as inspirational topics such as "The Importance of Finding Your Style" and "The Art of Making Music Videos."

The livestreams will remain on Nikon's website at for at-home viewers to enjoy for free.

Northern Lights Web Cam

Get a view of the Aurora Borealis. The camera is based in Manitoba, Canada; for the best viewing results, check it out at night during CST.

Normal Rockwell Museum (Stockbridge, MA)

Norman Rockwell Museum has curated experiences that collect related images, photography, video, audio and history relating to the Museum's renowned collection of Normal Rockwell's original paintings, his Stockbridge Studio, as well as the Museum's vast collection of art.

You can explore the world of Project NORMAN, a gateway to 20,000 works by more than 250 artists; watch hundreds of videos – nearly a thousand hours of content – spanning every facet of illustration art; and find lessons and activities for all ages at the MRM Curriculum Lab.


NPR Live Virtual Concerts

NPR Music is compiling a list of live audio and video streams from around the world, categorized by date and genre, with links out to streaming platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Some will require registration or a subscription, but most will be free, often with digital tip jars and opportunities to directly support artists by buying music and merchandise.

This is a living document, updated daily, items deleted when no longer needed. Visit concerts.

Paul Revere House – Listen now and visit later

Visit to listen to a new episode of Revere House Radio and enjoy a preview of living history presentations, music, and demonstrations of traditional crafts that are coming soon.

'The Shows Must Go On'! - Free Musicals from Andrew Lloyd Webber

The series, dubbed "The Shows Must Go On!," will stream the works of Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber on YouTube – for free at various times each week to help ease cabin fever during the coronavirus quarantine.

Each show – both notable and obscure – will be available for a 48-hour period.

While "The Show Must Go On!" is a free streaming series, Lloyd Webber is encouraging watchers to donate to organizations that support theater workers during the pandemic, such as Acting For Others, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and the Actors Benevolent Fund.

Tree City Film Festival 2020

Sylvania Arts presents the online Tree City Film Festival 2020 through April 30 with a virtual, Pay-What-You-Wish donation ticket. So, join them and support local arts.

Started in 2012 with a 50-hour film challenge for teams of adults, it has since grown to include Shorties U, a filmmaking workshop for community youth.

Visit for ticket/registration and other information.

Virtual Design Festival

Dezeen is hosting the Virtual Design Festival, the world's first online design festival, through June 20.

The Virtual Design Festival is a platform that brings the architecture and design world together to celebrate the culture and commerce of our industry and explores how it can adapt and respond to extraordinary circumstances.

They will host a rolling programme of online talks, lectures, movies, product launches and more. It will complement and support fairs and festivals around the world that have had to be postponed or cancelled and it will provide a platform for design businesses, so they can, in turn, support their supply chains.

Visit and/or or email for other information.

Virtual Gallery Night Providence

Gallery Night Providence turns virtual with many participating galleries creating tours of their current exhibitions that can be experienced from the safety of your homes (BYO snacks + wine).

Andy Warhol exhibitions and glassblowing processes are included in the wide array of art showcased on

• WHERE TO BUY (Support Small Businesses)

SoWa Online

SoWa Art + Design District (450 Harrison Ave.) is home to 200+ art studios, galleries, boutiques, restaurants, the award-winning SoWa Open Market, and more. Some of them have come up with pretty cool ways to remain "open" online and they would love it if you would check them out.

Follow them on or

Visit or for more information.

SoWa Vintage Market Live on Instagram

Vintage Market (typically open year round from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sundays in the Lower Level of 450 Harrison Ave.) is LIVE on Instagram.

Vintage Market has a rotating roster of vendors specializing in curated collections of merchandise such as jewelry, furniture, lighting, art, men's and women's fashion, antique maps, plus prints and rugs.

The Vintage Market is part of the SoWa Arts and Design District which has many other fine shops, galleries, restaurants and artist studios to visit online as well.

For more information, visit or

East Boston Open Market at The Eddy

East Boston Open Market at The Eddy, 10 New St., is typically open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the second Sunday of every month with an assortment of local artisan items available.

They are monitoring the "situation" and will keep everyone updated on the "Mama de Mayo Maker + Artist Market slated for May 3.

In the meantime, they remind everyone that "now is the time to shop local online, or by calling in to your favorite restaurant for take-out. Stay safe everyone!"

Visit,, or email for more information.

EmpowerHER Virtual Market

The EmpowerHER Virtual Market by Boston Women's Market is open through May 31. Support more than 60 women entrepreneurs and small businesses in your community. Shop special promotions from BWM members, send mom a gift to let her know you're thinking of her, create an at-home oasis with hand-poured candles, or treat your BFF to a little bling.

Be the change-maker our community needs.

Shop the vendors at

Boston Public Market

The Boston Public Market's pop up Outdoor Market is typically open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays on the Outdoor Plaza (along Surface Road) at 100 Hanover St. by Haymarket Station. Check Instagram each morning for updates.

Online ordering and delivery service remains open, with same or next-day delivery available for most.

The Boston Public Market thanks you "for making purchases and supporting our small business vendors."

Visit for other information, including links to these options.

AFH Social Distance Gallery

Artists for Humanity (100 W 2nd St.) has launched the #FHA Social Distance Gallery. ⁣

In times like these we're all artists – experimenting with new ways of being, seeing, sharing, and helping; each of us with an important paint box of ideas and resources, and collaborative spirit to match. In that sense, we're all Artists for Humanity.

Visit for the links to purchase art work and to your daily dose of art on Instagram @AFHBoston.


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