Amazing Animalz is a friendly, local pet store - Hartford Courant

Amazing Animalz is a friendly, local pet store - Hartford Courant

Amazing Animalz is a friendly, local pet store - Hartford Courant

Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:46 AM PST

"We offer very competitive pricing, and customer service and knowledge that the big stores do not have," said DiFazio. "We also offer customer loyalty rewards as a thank you to all our loyal customers, who help support us and the community."

Watch the company's Facebook page for information about an upcoming Valentine's Day pet event, where owners can bring in their pets and get pictures taken with them. The page also announces other events and specials, as well as newly-arrived animals.

Amazing Animalz is located at 21 Commerce Avenue in Danielson. Contact at (860) 420-8296 or through Facebook.


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