The Electronic Wireless Show podcast episode 125: the best sneakings in games special - Rock Paper Shotgun
The Electronic Wireless Show podcast episode 125: the best sneakings in games special - Rock Paper Shotgun |
Posted: 21 Jan 2021 08:00 AM PST Welcome once again, gentle listener, to the Electronic Wireless Show podcast. This week's episode demands that you tread carefully and quietly, in case you disturb Nate, or awaken the Ken Loach he has trapped in a shipping container in his garden, for we are discussing the best sneakings in games. Our favourite stealthy-me-dos. We also bring you a long tangent about zoos, a brief discussion on the wonderful lack of complexity in the baddies in Indiana Jones, and a lot of anger at Matthew because he likes banging on the glass at aquariums because he is a monster. Nate threatens to bury him in the desert. Also, there's all the aforementioned Ken Loach stuff, which goes on a long time. Plus, I bring you a Cavern of Lies that becomes, alas, a Cavern of Sadness.
You can listen on Spotify, or above, or go straight to Soundcloud where you can download it for later. You can also now discuss the episode on our Discord channel, which has a dedicated room for podcast chat. You can also get the RSS feed here or find it on iTunes, Stitcher or Pocket Casts. Music is by Jack de Quidt, who was calling from inside the house the entire time. Remember to check out both our sister podcast The PC Gaming Weekspot and our incredible merch. Links We talked a load about how great Dishonored 2 is. It's pretty great. It got a 'recommended' at review, which is what we used to call a Bestest Best. There are loads of cool features about it, and it's one of our best games of the 2010s. Nate mentioned Five Night's At Freddy's, I think specifically so he could mention his article about the Nic Cage film Wally's Wonderland (or possibly Willy's Wonderland, I think the name has changed). Shout out also to the original Thief games for being awesome, and Desperados III. Also Evil Genius, for being the inspiration for the Cavern Of Lies. Recommendations this week: Jenny Nicholson's feature length video on The Vampire Diaries, from Alice; The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu, sequel to The Three-Body Problem, from Matthew; Steel Frame by Andrew Skinner from Nate. For your RPS aquarium this week: API Melafix, an all natural treatment for infections in your fish, particularly if your loaches or Ken Loaches have abrasions from writing on lava rock. |
Immersive Museum Distortions Monster World Opens at Denver Pavilions - Westword Posted: 30 Dec 2020 05:46 AM PST ^ Keep Westword Free I Support
Support the independent voice of Denver and help keep the future of Westword free. As you walk through the door of Distortions Monster World at the Denver Pavilions, you're greeted by an oversized zombie head. You can walk inside it, have a photo taken, and then move on through the brightly lit, 19,000-square-foot interactive installation showcasing the various ghoulish creations of Distortions Unlimited, a Greeley company that has been making handcrafted Halloween props, monsters and animatronics since 1978. There are Roswell aliens to dissect and be dissected by, a massive Tyrannosaurus rex, a castle area with a giant Frankenstein, a King Kong-style gorilla hand that can hold you, a guillotine used in Alice Cooper's stage show along with other rock paraphernalia, a Dick Van Dyke gargoyle (the 95-year-old actor uses Distortions to supply decor for his Halloween parties), and more ghoulish goodies leading to a top-secret grand finale. ![]() A creepy creature at Distortions Monster World. Distortions Monster World The hands-on museum tells the story of Distortions Unlimited and walks guests through how owners Ed Edmunds and Marsha Taub-Edmunds and their team of artists and sculptors create these latex monsters by hand. The couple hopes that the museum will give people a chance to appreciate their creatures outside of the Halloween season. "It allows people to see how they make the products or monsters, see and hear about the history, play with the monsters and take cool and creative photos," says Heidi Webb, chief operations officer of Blazen Illuminations, the Loveland-based company behind the new museum, which taps into the immersive arts, entertainment and Instagram craze. It's a trend that's already been mined effectively by the Museum of Ice Cream, Meow Wolf and the Denver Selfie Museum, which is still open for business in LoDo despite a pandemic and legal threats from the similar Museum of the Selfie in Hollywood. Webb cautiously describes Monster World as a "selfie-like museum," though it's definitely more, with a history of the company and other innovations beyond those props for posing. ![]() Ed Edmunds in action. Distortions Monster World The museum, located on the first floor of the Denver Pavilions, had been in the works for three years and was originally slated to launch in spring 2020. "We started negotiating with the Pavilions mall over a year ago and were getting ready to activate when the shutdowns happened," says Webb. "We've been in the battle to get this open in the past year. Like many small businesses, we're needing some help to stay buoyant." But unlike many small businesses, Distortions Monster World managed to open during the pandemic. It debuted in mid-December at the Pavilions, where Blazen Illuminations is planning to open another immersive museum in spring 2021. ![]() A Roswell alien dissects a guest in a photo op at Distortions Monster World. Distortions Monster World According to Webb, Monster World is child-friendly — and even if many of the sculptures are downright scream-inducing, most kids stick it out. Children are reminded that the monsters are just latex, and those four and under get in free, in case they panic and bail. Of course, during a pandemic, monsters aren't the only thing that's scary about going to a museum — much less operating one. Indoor facilities are dicey propositions, as the state and city offer ever-fluctuating public-health guidelines. While Level Red COVID-19 restrictions have shut down plenty of events, a few museums have secured variances from the state to allow them to stay open, and stores and galleries have managed to continue to offer indoor retail at reduced capacity. Under those conditions and with strict cleaning precautions in place, Distortions Monster World can keep letting people through the doors in a regular fifteen-minute rotation. "Luckily for us, we are a museum and it is artwork, and that has been a blessing," Webb says. "Our community is hungry for something safe and fun to do that allows them to get out of the house and stretch their wings a little bit. We're trying to meet that need, and luckily, we're allowed to that." Distortions Monster World is located on the first floor of the Denver Pavilions, 500 16th Street. For more information about hours and tickets, go to the Distortions Monster World website. Keep Westword Free... Since we started Westword, it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Denver, and we would like to keep it that way. Offering our readers free access to incisive coverage of local news, food and culture. Producing stories on everything from political scandals to the hottest new bands, with gutsy reporting, stylish writing, and staffers who've won everything from the Society of Professional Journalists' Sigma Delta Chi feature-writing award to the Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism. But with local journalism's existence under siege and advertising revenue setbacks having a larger impact, it is important now more than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" membership program, allowing us to keep covering Denver with no paywalls. |
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