Macduff aquarium set to welcome back visitors - Grampian Online

Macduff aquarium set to welcome back visitors - Grampian Online

Macduff aquarium set to welcome back visitors - Grampian Online

Posted: 23 Jul 2020 05:34 AM PDT

Macduff Marine Aquarium will reopen its doors on Tuesday after months of closure due to the lockdown.

The aquarium team has been ensuring the welfare of the animals throughout the closure but is now busy preparing to welcome visitors back safely in line with government guidelines from Tuesday.

The popular visitor attraction will be operating with social distancing measures in place, visitor numbers within the building will be limited and people will need to book ahead via an online booking system.

Macduff Marine Aquarium will reopen its doors on Tuesday.
Macduff Marine Aquarium will reopen its doors on Tuesday.

This will allow people a specific time slot for their visit, preventing queues at the aquarium entrance.

A new one-way system will encourage visitors to keep a safe distance from others while exploring the aquarium and rigorous cleaning and hygiene measures will be in place.

Aquarium manager Claire Matthews said: "After all this time we cannot wait to open our doors again. Our team has been very active online, bringing the aquarium into people's homes with live online events such as the dive show and fish feeding, but even the fish have been missing our visitors – they come and see anyone who approaches near their tanks.

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