84th annual Pickerel Tournament coming to Algonac - New Baltimore Voice Newspapers
The 84th annual Pickerel Tournament, put on by the Algonac Lions Club, will return to downtown Algonac from June 30 to July 4.
The Pickerel Tournament will include activities and events for all ages, including a carnival midway and beer tent, parades, contests, entertainment, fireworks and more. This year, the chairman for the event is Andy Goulet.
Fishing contest registration opens at 9 a.m. each day, with daily fishing prizes awarded each day starting July 1. Participants will bring their fish back to be weighed each day and the top three fish will be kept every day.
The daily prize is $100 each day for the biggest fish and then the whopper at the end of the tournament will receive $1,000.
The Pickerel Tournament events will kick off at 5 p.m. June 30 with the Kids and Pet Parade. Lineup will take place at 4 p.m., with the parade starting at Algonac Pet Center and ending at the Pickerel Tournament main stage. There will be 10 prizes awarded at 6 p.m.
At 6:30 p.m., a donut eating contest will take place on the main stage, followed by the introduction of the Pickerel Tournament Queen court at 7 p.m. This year's queen candidates are Deanna Delange, Olivia Mowinski, Danielle Roland, Megan Saddler and Emily Yax. Voting for the queen will take place from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. July 1 at the main stage and the Pickerel Tournament Queen will be crowned at 8 p.m. that day.
Goulet said those who would like to vote will get their hand stamped and have one ticket to vote for one of the candidates.
"We have an absolutely delightful group of young ladies that are on our court this year," he said.

On July 1, a watermelon eating contest will take place at 5 p.m. and the fireworks will take place at 10 p.m. at Riverfront Park, with a rain date of 10 p.m. July 2. The fireworks show will be put on by Great Lakes Fireworks over the river.
Goulet said Riverfront Park was packed from "elbow to elbow" during the 2021 fireworks, with thousands of people.
"Plus there are people that have family and friends come to their houses nearby, so there's a lot of people watching them from their yards or out on boats and all kinds of stuff so putting a real number on it is not really that possible, which is a good problem to have," he said.
On July 2, the Pickerel Run/Walk 5K will take place at 8 a.m. and the Kids Minnow Run will take place at 9 a.m. starting at the Algonac Post Office. Registration will take place at 7 a.m. at the Algonac Fire Station and at pickerelrun.enmotive.com. The race will be capped at 300 participants.
A pancake breakfast will take place at 8 a.m. at the Algonac Fire Department.
From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., a Classic Car Show will take place at Riverfront Park, with registration at 8 a.m. There will be dash plates for the first 100 cars and a kids choice award for best car, as well as door prizes and a 50/50 raffle.
The cost of entry is $15 per vehicle. For more information, call 810-533-3500.
From 11 a.m. to noon, the Algonac Lions Club and the Algonac-Clay Historical Society will host an Antique and Classic Boat Parade at the riverfront. The parade will include boats 35 years and older. Participation in the parade is free. For more information, email George Burgess at gnburgess@comcast.net.
Also on July 2, hot dog and pie eating contests will take place at 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., respectively, on the main stage.
On July 3, a kids fishing contest for ages 5 to 15 will take place from 9 a.m. to noon at Riverfront Park, with registration starting at 8:30 a.m. There will be prizes for the first, second and third biggest fish.
Kids must be with an adult always, bring their own bait and tackle and wear a life jacket. Organizers will be marking off fishing spots according to the rules.
An event honoring veterans will take place at noon on the main stage. Billy James Brady will host and perform his original music, and special guest BlueSkye Riley will be singing the national anthem and her original music.
At 2 p.m., the main parade will take place down St. Clair River Drive, with registration from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Algonac Lions Club. The theme of the parade is "God Bless America," the parade's Facebook event page states.
Goulet said there will be all kinds of participants in the parade this year.

At 6 p.m. July 4, the main raffle drawing will take place, and prizes will be awarded for the cutest baby and pet contests, as well as the whopper fish prize. This year, a golf car is being raffled off at the cost of $5 for one ticket and $20 for six tickets.
Several events will take place throughout the weekend. The carnival midway and beer tent will be open each day, and there will be daily 50/50 drawings.
Goulet said organizers tried the daily 50/50 drawings for the first time last year and it was "wildly successful."
Dynasty will be the main stage entertainment on June 30. On July 1, entertainment includes Raven Rae, Donnie Rod, Magnify the Son and Phoenix Rising Band. July 2 entertainment includes Algonac Robotics, Still Running, Momford & Son and The Look.
On July 3, entertainment includes Glen Brook, Toby Keith Tribute, Funtastiks and Josh Ford and The Big Three, and July 4 entertainment will include Acoustic Ash, BlueSkye Riley and Blue Ridge Bluegrass Band.
The Algonac Pickerel Tournament will close at 6 p.m. July 4.
Goulet said the Algonac Lions Club has been working on this year's event since not long after the 2021 event. He says the club has been selling tickets for the golf cart raffle, of which 75% of the proceeds will go to Leader Dogs for the Blind, while 25% will go to the club.
He said there will be leader dogs in training spotted throughout the event.
When asked what aspects people seem to enjoy most about the event, Goulet said people like the carnival and food vendors.
"It's a fun party for the town," he said. "Last year, after having gone through COVID to be able to have the whole thing, has been nothing short of amazing."
For more information, visit algonaclionsclub.com or facebook.com/algonaclionsclub.
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