A real fish story: Clean Aquariums specializes in aquatic pets, aquarium maintenance - Monroe Evening News

Phillip DeGrand's love for marine life in aquariums has turned into a career.

The Monroe aquarist owns and operates Clean Aquariums, 544 Rambow Dr., a shop specializing in full-service maintenance and care of fresh and saltwater fish, aquarium equipment and supplies.

"You could say I run two services," he said. "Not only do I sell aquariums, fish, and supplies but a large part of my business is providing maintenance services to businesses and homes. I go when cleaning is required which can vary from every two weeks to once a month."

DeGrand has more than 40 years' experience with aquarium maintenance and makes every effort to not use chemicals.

"I try to keep the aquatic environment as clean and natural as possible," he said. "The more fish in the tank, the more often the tank will need cleaning."

In 2011, DeGrand started the maintenance part of his business out of his home. In November 2020, he opened the storefront. According to DeGrand, there are a variety of reasons why people choose to own aquariums.

"Some people like to watch the fish swim because it can be calming and a stress reducer," he said. "And I have customers who have predatory fish and they just like to feed them and watch them eat."

DeGrand said owning an aquarium can fit into any budget. Water temperature typically determines the classification – tropical or cold water. Most fish and plant species will tolerate a limited temperature range and heaters are not required.

He said the best size aquarium is a 75-gallon, 4-foot tank although smaller and larger options are available and can be special ordered or custom made.

Some of the most popular fish found in home aquariums include goldfish, bettas, angelfish, neon tetras and cherry barbs.

DeGrand sells a lot of neon tetras, a small freshwater fish known for their colorful appearance with red and blue stripes, and brightly colored cherry barbs, often considered "peaceful" fish.

Most people prefer freshwater over saltwater tanks because freshwater is often easier to maintain and saltwater fish tend to be on the expensive side.

Future aquarists should be aware that not all fish will get along. Freshwater fish that typically co-exist with other species in the same tank are guppies, tetras, swordtails, and danios.

"There are several categories and sub-categories of types of fish and with experience, you'll know what fish will get along," he said. "You don't want to mix cichlids with tetras because cichlids are thought to be more aggressive."

DeGrand said one thing that separates his business from others in the industry is that he quarantines his fish before making them available for purchase. His fish are often purchased from other states and picked up from the airport.

"All of my fish are quarantined and medicated for a minimum of two weeks before they are sold," he said. "I do this because some fish are bred in captivity and some are still wild caught but nowhere in the chain of custody does anyone eradicate parasites and tapeworms out of these fish.

"I pride myself in selling healthy fish. It can be a huge cost factor but it's something I believe in."

DeGrand said he wants to expand staffing so that he can focus more on the maintenance side of the business.

"I need an assistant manager to help run the store and give me an occasional day off," he added. "They must know fish and retail experience would be a plus."

Clean Aquariums

Owner: Phillip DeGrand of Monroe

Business started: Aquarium maintenance home-based business started in 2011; storefront opened in 2020

Location: 544 Rambow Dr. (formerly Vape Escape)

Services: Specializing in full-service maintenance and care of fresh and saltwater fish, aquarium equipment and supplies

Hours: Noon to 7 p.m. Wednesday to Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday (Hours subject to change)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cleanaquariums/

Website: https://www.cleanaquarium.net/


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