The Absolute Best Ways To Keep Oysters Fresh - Tasting Table

Oysters must be impeccably stored. Oysters are alive inside their rugged shells. Once removed from their natural habitat, their delicate nature is susceptible to rapid deterioration. To prolong their lives outside of the ocean and keep them fresh, strive to keep oysters icy cold.

Simply Oysters & Seafood advises keeping cleaned oysters on a tray, covered with a damp cloth, in the coldest part of the refrigerator, 38 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit. If an oyster opens slightly, that is normal. Knock it gently and it will close. If it doesn't close, throw it away. Oyster shells have a flat side and a rounded bowl side. Keeping the bowl side of the shell down allows the oyster to rest in its natural seawater liquor, prolonging its life. Preserving the delicious liquor is equally important when shucking the oysters before eating.

MasterClass cautions against storing live oysters in fresh or tap water because the minerals, chlorine, and pH will poison them. It is best to distribute the oysters in a single layer on a tray with a little space in between them. Cover with a damp cloth and keep it damp. MasterClass says the oysters can survive for seven days in the refrigerator this way. Vendors like Oysters XO claim that it's best to consume live oysters within a day or two.


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