The Winding Glass: Retail Data Shows Shrimp May Have Strong Holiday Season and Lent - SeafoodNews

The Winding Glass: Retail Data Show Shrimp May Have Strong Holiday Season and Lent

Retail sales data for November continued to be dismal for the seafood sector.  Anne-Marie Roerink, President, 210 Analytics, publishes a monthly retail seafood report. She writes that only 15% of consumers say their household finances have improved since last year, while 85% say their situation has stayed the same (45%) or gotten worse (40%).  As a result, "willingness to pay" which is a marketer's measure tracked by Kansas State University for beef and chicken is down again in November.  Their findings apply to seafood as well.

Forecasting demand for seafood is difficult because there are so many species, each with its own market dynamic.

I have found it useful to think of seafood demand in two ways.  One is scarcity value...

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