Local boy catches rare mirror carp in Table Rock Lake - Cassville Democrat

Jesse Smith, 10, of Cassville, recently hooked a rare catch and the biggest fish of his life. According to BillieJean Smith, Jesse's mother, the Missouri Department of Conservation confirmed the catch is a mirror carp, a variety of the common carp developed through selective breeding and also known as the Israeli carp, commonly found in Europe. "He fought the fish for over 2 minutes and 46 seconds," BillieJean Smith said. "Jesse hooked it just north east of Shell Knob. He also caught his very first catfish this day. It was a day filled with memories and laughs and a day he'll never forget!" After taking photos with the mirror carp, the fish was released back into Table Rock Lake.

Way to go young man! The look on your face is the same look I get when I catch a big fish. Keep enjoying fishing you may have a future in the sport!


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