Buying A Pet Fish: What Parents Should Consider First | - Moms

Buying A Pet Fish: What Parents Should Consider First | - Moms

Buying A Pet Fish: What Parents Should Consider First | - Moms

Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:16 AM PDT

Pet fish are great to have at home since their bright colors offer a remarkable sight. They are perfect for little children who are learning to take care of animals, pet lovers with limited space, or allergic persons who love pets. Getting adequate information about pet fish such as their behavior patterns, care, and maintenance can help you achieve a beautiful ecosystem in your fish tank.

With plenty of things to consider, your top priority should be to provide a thriving environment that can support the existence of your fish. Some factors to consider include:

Type Of Fish Species

Before going ahead and purchasing fish, you would want to consider fish that are within your budget with low maintenance costs.

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Temperate Fish - These are a great choice as they thrive in a tank with stable room temperature. Their equipment set up is a little easier than others are, as it consists of a filter and gravel, which help keep the balance. They include; Amano shrimp, assorted danios, variatus, platy fishy, and many more.

Cold Water Fish - These popular hardy fish are affordable and require low maintenance costs. They enjoy cool water temperatures and with the right food, they grow long and are known to live for many years. They aid in keeping the tank clean as they consume algae growing in the tank. Some examples include goldfish and weather loaches.


Tropical Fish - These are appealing to the eye, their amazing shapes and colors form a nice combination in your aquarium. They are used to warm waters so you need to ensure a consistent amount of temperature and fully oxygenated water for them to thrive. They are much more expensive to maintain, as they require a thermometer, heater, and a pump in their tank. They include swordtails, neon tetra, guppy, mollies, Corydoras, and angelfish.

Boy is watching fish tank in his room, best pets for kids
Credit: iStock

Fish Compatibility

Fish compatibility includes several factors such as the size of the tank, the water quality, the reproductive behavior, and the type of environment you want to create. An Aquarium with different types of fish species that are in harmony creates a beautiful natural balance. You want to choose fish species that are in harmony to prevent your tank from experiencing aggressive battles and instances of some fish harassing others.


The Size Of The Fish

It is easy to overlook the fact that just as human beings grow, fish grow as well. When purchasing fish, you get small young fish, but with time and proper care, they grow to adult size. Knowing how big certain fish will be as they grow helps you determine the type of tank to purchase.

The Fish Tank

Fish tanks come in all sizes and impressive designs. They consist of two types; glass tanks, which are cheap but heavy, and acrylic tanks that are light and fragile.

Size of Fish Tank - While this is a lifetime investment a good fish tank should consist of a large surface area. It is important to note that fish need enough space to move in harmony freely. A large tank is preferred as it leaves room for errors when performing regular maintenance of your tank.


Fish Tank Set-Up And Maintenance - Finding the ideal space to place your fish tank is important as once it is properly set up any change to move it will require disassembling, which is a hectic job and might stress your fish. A good fish tank set up should consist of a functional biological filter, which is important in keeping a healthy balance of the water and provides room for your fish to thrive.

Mother And Daughter Choosing Goldfish In Pet Store
Credit: iStock

The Health Of The Fish

A pet is an investment, you do not want to buy it today, and it ends up dying tomorrow. Careful observation will help you choose healthy fish. You want to purchase fish that actively swims, has a bright color, clear eyes, and has no presence of lumps on its body. It should have all scales and show no outward flesh damage.


Fish Food

Be very careful when buying commercial food for your fish. Look for fresh and clean food products. You may want to buy small containers of fish food because the moment you open the container the nutritional value starts to depreciate.

To meet nutritional needs and ensure a balanced diet, you should feed your fish different kinds of food flakes on each feed. While large fish are good with pellet foods, small fish still require protein and freeze-dried foods can work magic on them. Take care while feeding fish as overfeeding them will graciously kill them.

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