Morton News - Scott County Times

Morton News - Scott County Times

Morton News - Scott County Times

Posted: 11 Jun 2020 09:48 AM PDT

Announcements: The new schedule for the Scott County Sports Hall of Fame Ceremony is July 25 at 5 p.m. at Livingston Performing Arts Center - Roosevelt State Park. Tickets will be available on July 1 at locations to be announced.

Congratulations to: Garren Barnes on being named  the STAR Student for Morton High School as a senior fulfilling all requirements/ criteria to earn this honor.  He selected his mother, Marsha Barnes as STAR Teacher at MHS 2020, who teaches English III and debate with a 30 year career as a member of the MHS faculty.

Prayers and concern for:  W. J. Measels, Annie Clyde Marler and those impacted by Tropical Storm Cristobal.

Sympathy to the families of:  Wesley Junior Hicks, Jr., Patsy Holifield, Hal Dewayne Richmond, Mrs. Fannie Porter, Casey Lee Jones, Carolyn Hollingsworth Smith (native of Lake), Melissa Bridges (daughter of former Morton MHS club member, Marilyn Mayshaw), Peggy McGuire (aunt of Anita Webb) and Jacob Shane Park.

Travelin' visitin' and such: The spouse and I had a delightful surprise encounter, while dining out and shopping at a shopping center district on Lakeland Drive on Thursday. As we were leaving the restaurant, we recognized former Morton residents/friends/neighbors, Edna Moore and Betsy Patterson stopping at the same place to have a cup of coffee. They insisted that we join them and almost an hour later we had shared photos, exchanged news of family and friends and taken a stroll down memory lane together.  They send greetings to friends back "home" in Morton.

Morton MHV Club met at Penn's Fish House for a "Dutch Treat Meal" meeting on June 3 (the first since March, due to COVID-19). Chairmen/hostesses for the meeting were Cathy Johnson and Helen Watkins. Seventeen members and program speaker enjoyed an uplifting devotion by Cathy Johnson and were led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Bobbie Hodges. Deborah Crudup Lowrey presented a most interesting program on the "Better Together" Girls Mentoring program at Bettye Mae Jack Middle School in Morton. She shared the many advantages that the mentoring efforts offer the girls.  They are counseled on academics, character building and instructions from speakers in many professions and occupations. They are, also introduced to the world outside their homes/school and town through many field trips and outings.  Following her presentation, Debroah, a teacher in the SPED program at BMJ Middle School was given an honorarium in her name to Blair E. Batson Children's Hospital and a donation of needed supplies for the young ladies throughout the next semester.  Following a good meal they were treated to a brief sing along led by Penn's manager, Dale Townsend.   

Sittin' and thinkin': This pledge, serves as a lifestyle promise and is the cornerstone of the "Better Together" mentoring program, which this columnist finds appropriate for everyone.

Today I pledge to be the best possible me, no matter how good I am, I know that I can become better.  Today I pledge to build on the works of yesterday, which will lead me into the rewards of tomorrow. 

Today I pledge to feed my mind, body, knowledge, strength and my spirit and faith.

Today I pledge to reach new goals, new challenges, and a new horizon.

Today I pledge to listen to the beat of my drummer, which leads me forward.


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