Aberdeenshire Wellbeing Festival will be a virtual event for 2020, with a wide selection of events organised to take place throughout the week.
Running from Monday, May 18, activities include mindfulness, art, fitness, stories, cookery and much more with something for all ages and all interests to ensure everybody can spend some time focussing on their wellbeing.
The following events will be taking place daily throughout the week:
Henry Storytime Activities - come and join in with Henry the Bear and his friends for the fun story and games session for wee ones. Find out more here: www.livelifeaberdeenshire.org.uk/live-life-at-home/
Mindful Fish Trail at the Macduff Marine Aquarium Click on the link and explore the aquarium website to get a close up look at some of our fish. Take some time out to explore your surroundings and do some calming colouring in. www.facebook.com/macduffmarineaquarium/
Alzheimer Scotland are offering a new way for people who care for someone with dementia to meet up and chat, you can give them an e-mail at aberdeenrc@alzscot.org.
Grampian Cardiac Rehabilitation Association offer some great online exercises led by specialist exercise instructors, visit www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3KHLMrGMMI&feature=youtu.be
Aberdeenshire Wellbeing Festival.
The following events are scheduled for Monday, May 18:
10am - Meditation with Pushp. Maximum number 10. For more information contact: pushpvaid@gmail.com.
10am - Calm Breath, Calm Mind. Feeling anxious and stressed? Do you know the quickest way to settle and calm the nervous system is through the breath? Altering the breath has an immediate effect on the brain. Join for calming breathing practices, finishing with a short love and kindness meditation. For more information e-mail: eunicestephen29@yahoo.co.uk.
1.30pm - Family Cartoon "Monster" Drawing for P5 to P7 Pupils. Enrol your family/children for this session and have fun learning to draw. All you will need is access to a computer/tablet/smart phone and a pencil, rubber, paper and some colouring pencils. To register for a place contact Lyn 07779647354 or email pickypencil@hotmail.co.uk. You will be enrolled, and a link sent for the class. Maximum number of eight people or families.
5.30pm - Taster Yoga 4 Health sessions online. Yoga4Health is a social prescribing yoga programme which is for individuals with mild depression and anxiety, those who are at risk of cardiovascular event, those diagnosed as pre-diabetic and for anyone who is socially isolated. This taster session is to provide an introduction to the 10 week programme which can be done on a chair or on a yoga mat so accessible for anyone. You will be introduced to techniques to settle the physical body and mind through movement and breath.You do not need to have any experience of yoga to take part. To register to take part e-mail:yoga4healthgrampian@gmail.com.There are various sessions throughout the week, so remember to state which day and time you would like to attend.
The following events are scheduled for Tuesday, May 19:
Therapeutic Photography: The Image of Kindness. A person's perspective on themselves and the world can be gradually explored and changed through the process of taking photographs and discussing with others. In this Therapeutic Photography workshop you will explore how the healing power of photography can be used as a new language to help express the theme of 'kindness towards ourselves and others'. Maximum number of places is 10. You can contact Pillar Kincardine by phone 01569 767222 or e-mail info@pillarkincardine.co.uk to book your place. If leaving a message please don't forget to leave your contact details.
10am - An Introduction to Mindfulness. This will be through Google Meet, and you can email lindsay.lumsden@aberdeenshire.gov.uk to book a place and for instructions on how to join the session. A maximum number of 10 places are available.
10am - Mental Health Simplified Virtual Workshop. A workshop which looks at what happens when our mental wellbeing goes out of balance, how this affects us, and what we can do to regain balance and prevent further relapses. We will also look at how practices like mindfulness and meditation can play a positive part in maintaining our mental wellbeing and why it works so well to treat that. To register to join Tuesday's meeting click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtdu-rrz8rEtT_bxG4ptBO9OptK7j3GgOm
10am - Calm Breath, Calm Mind. Feeling anxious and stressed?Do you know the quickest way to settle and calm the nervous system is through the breath? Altering the breath has an immediate effect on the brain.Join me in calming breathing practices, finishing with a short love and kindness meditation. E-mail eunicestephen29@yahoo.co.uk for a Zoom link
11am - EFT (Tapping) - Emotional Freedom Technique. EFT is based on the ancient Chinese medical system of acupuncture meridians.Instead of needles you use your fingers to tap a specific sequence of point on your body.This releases blocked energy (feelings) bringing relief to a wide variety of emotional and physical ailments. This will be done using Zoom.For more information contact Nichola by e-mailing nictheusher@gmail.com or phone 07925 596034.You do not have to have Zoom to participate.
3pm - Stonehaven Community Chinwag. An opportunity to meet people in the same community online and have a chat, getting to know one and other in the community and building connections. The chat will be accessible by Jitsi Meet - https://meet.jit.si/StoneyCommunityChinwag
4pm - Indian Cooking Class. The maximum number of participants for this session is seven. You can get in touch by e-mailing pushpvaid@gmail.com.
6.45pm - General Hatha Yoga. Matbased yoga class which incorporates breath work, warm up, sun salutations, posture work, relaxation with the theme of Kindness.This is just a taster so it's a shorter than normal class based on existing classes that I normally take. Suitable for beginners. To register for the free taster session please email:gayle.yoga@btinternet.com
7.30pm - Calm Breath, Calm Mind. Feeling anxious and stressed?Do you know the quickest way to settle and calm the nervous system is through the breath? Altering the breath has an immediate effect on the brain.Join in calming breathing practices, finishing with a short love and kindness meditation. E-mail eunicestephen29@yahoo.co.uk for a Zoom link.
The following events are scheduled for Wednesday, May 20:
11am - Back Garden Minibeast Hunt. An opportunity to go outside into your garden and look to see what minibeasts you can find, using plastic tubs (margarine tubs, ice cream tubs, yogurt pots, etc.) Take a picture of what you find and post it on the Aberdeenshire Ranger Service Facebook page and the Rangers will do their best to identify what you have found.Try to take as clear a picture as possible of the minibeast to help with identification. There will be instructions on how to do the minibeast hunt on the Aberdeenshire Council Ranger Service Facebook page prior to the event.
1.30pm - How to Cartoon Yourself for S1 to S3 Pupils. Parents can enrol their youth for this session and have fun learning to draw themselves as cartoon figures. All you will need is access to a computer/tablet/smart phone and a pencil, rubber, paper and some colouring pencils. To register for a place contact Lyn 07779647354 or e-mail pickypencil@hotmail.co.ukYou will be enrolled, and a link sent for the class.Maximum of eight people.
5.30pm - Taster Yoga 4 Health sessions online. Yoga4Health is a social prescribing yoga programme which is for individuals with mild depression and anxiety, those who are at risk of cardiovascular event, those diagnosed as pre-diabetic and for anyone who is socially isolated. This taster session is to provide an introduction to the 10 week programme which can be done on a chair or on a yoga mat so accessible for anyone. You will be introduced to techniques to settle the physical body and mind through movement and breath.You do not need to have any experience of yoga to take part. To register to take part e-mail:yoga4healthgrampian@gmail.com.There are various sessions throughout the week, so remember to state which day and time you would like to attend.
7pm - An Introduction to Mindfulness. This will be through Google Meet. For more information contact Lindsay.Lumsden@aberdeenshire.gov.uk.A maximum number of 10 places are available.
8pm - Qi Gong. Qi Gong is a gentle form of exercise enabling movement and balance which brings your mind into a meditative state, slows your breathing down reducing stress and enables the body to move more freely.It originated in China over 3000 years ago. To note your interest e-mail:finding.qi.in.me@gmail.com and a google meet link will be sent to you to allow access
The following events are scheduled for Thursday, May 21:
10am - Virtual Conversation Cafe Gathering. A range of activities will be on offer. For further information you can check out the Pop Up Conversation Cafes Aberdeenshire Facebook page or contact Calvin by calling 07876 258783 or e-mailing calvin.little@nhs.net.
10am - Mental Health Simplified Virtual Workshop. A workshop which looks at what happens when our mental wellbeing goes out of balance, how this affects us, and what we can do to regain balance and prevent further relapses. This will also look at how practices like mindfulness and meditation can play a positive part in maintaining our mental wellbeing and why it works so well to treat that. Register to join Thursday's Mental Health Simplified Virtual Workshop: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYocO6pqjwjE9RbisJTPTHfKnwOA8ToBdKX
2pm - Helen's Laughter Yoga. The quickest way to de-stress is to laugh! Through the simplest of exercises we are going to laugh for health and wellbeing. Anyone can do laughter yoga, no skills required.Amazing potential health benefits. We will raise those feel good hormones and have a very good time. Great opportunity to join a free interactive seated session(s). To attend or ask questions call Helen 07845523357. Booking essential on helenslaughteryoga@yahoo.com
2pm - Mindful Meditation, Compassion and Kindness. Mindful meditation workshop focussing on the theme of Compassion and Kindness.Facilitated by Anke Maas-Lowit.Maximum number of places for this is 15. Please contact Pillar Kincardine by phoning 01569 767222 or e-mailing info@pillarkincardine.co.uk to book your place.
3pm - Taster Yoga 4 Health sessions online. Yoga4Health is a social prescribing yoga programme which is for individuals with mild depression and anxiety, those who are at risk of cardiovascular event, those diagnosed as pre-diabetic and for anyone who is socially isolated. This taster session is to provide an introduction to the 10 week programme which can be done on a chair or on a yoga mat so accessible for anyone. You will be introduced to techniques to settle the physical body and mind through movement and breath.You do not need to have any experience of yoga to take part. To register to take part e-mail:yoga4healthgrampian@gmail.com.There are various sessions throughout the week, so remember to state which day and time you would like to attend.
7pm - Helen's Laughter Yoga. The quickest way to de-stress is to laugh! Through the simplest of exercises we are going to laugh for health and wellbeing. Anyone can do laughter yoga, no skills required.Amazing potential health benefits. We will raise those feel good hormones and have a very good time. Great opportunity to join a free interactive seated session(s). To attend or ask questions call Helen 07845523357. Booking essential on helenslaughteryoga@yahoo.com
The following events are scheduled for Friday, May 22:
10am - Taster Yoga 4 Health sessions online. Yoga4Health is a social prescribing yoga programme which is for individuals with mild depression and anxiety, those who are at risk of cardiovascular event, those diagnosed as pre-diabetic and for anyone who is socially isolated. This taster session is to provide an introduction to the 10 week programme which can be done on a chair or on a yoga mat so accessible for anyone. You will be introduced to techniques to settle the physical body and mind through movement and breath.You do not need to have any experience of yoga to take part. To register to take part e-mail:yoga4healthgrampian@gmail.com.There are various sessions throughout the week, so remember to state which day and time you would like to attend.
11.15am - Keeping Limber in Lockdown. Gentle exercise to move the whole body and release tension finishing with stretches and relaxation.Please contact Pillar Kincardine by phone 01569 767222 or email info@pillarkincardine.co.uk to book your place. If leaving a message please don't forget to leave your contact details.
12pm - LATNEM (Let's All Talk North East Mums) Too Peer Support Group. Online virtual peer support group meeting hosted via Skype.Don't suffer in silence or alone, please reach out for some friendly chat and signposting if you need it.Open to all mums in need of support with their mental health. Please message the LATNEM Facebook page and we will share the registration form and link to the chat.
1pm - Deveron Projects Friday Lunch. Deveron Projects are now hosting their Friday Lunches digitally. It's the same event, just without the centralised dishing out of food (sorry that we can't manage that over the internet!). So please have your own lunch ready at 1pm, for us to eat together sociably in front of our laptops. Then around 1:30pm the speaker will give their talk, followed by Q&A for 10 minutes from the rest of us - as normal but done in a wee online gallery of video screens! Deveron Projects welcomes Meriem Kayoueche-Reeve, Development Officer with Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action to speak about the benefits of volunteering.Volunteering is a great way to improve and support good mental health and wellbeing. The benefits are not just felt by the volunteers themselves, but service users and wider community as a whole. To access the lunch: https://zoom.us/j/3308640584
1.30pm - Draw a Better World in Cartoon for adults. Try out a fun way to express yourself using cartoon drawing encouraged and ideas given by our tutor. To register for a place please contact Lyn 07779647354 or email pickypencil@hotmail.co.uk. You will be enrolled, and a link sent for the class.Maximum number 8 people.
2pm - HAB (Heart Activating Breathing) Technique. HAB is a very gentle deep relaxation technique or meditation designed to calm the mind and the body using a specific breathing technique.This is done by talking softly and explaining how the heart and mind connect using breath using Zoom.Please contact Nichola by e-mailing nictheusher@gmail.com or phoning 07925 596034 and you will be sent the link to join.You do not have to have Zoom to join; just a phone, tablet, laptop or computer.
2pm - Taster Yoga 4 Health sessions online. Yoga4Health is a social prescribing yoga programme which is for individuals with mild depression and anxiety, those who are at risk of cardiovascular event, those diagnosed as pre-diabetic and for anyone who is socially isolated. This taster session is to provide an introduction to the 10 week programme which can be done on a chair or on a yoga mat so accessible for anyone. You will be introduced to techniques to settle the physical body and mind through movement and breath.You do not need to have any experience of yoga to take part. To register to take part e-mail:yoga4healthgrampian@gmail.com.There are various sessions throughout the week, so remember to state which day and time you would like to attend.
The following events are scheduled for Saturday, May 23:
10am -Yoga for Nurturing Yourself with Heather.
11am -Introducing Reiki Healing with Gordon.
12pm - Distance Reiki individual sessions with Gordon.
1pm - Individual Reiki Feedback Sessions with Gordon.
2pm - Relieving Stress and Anxiety Guided Journey with Deborah.
3pm - Yoga for Surrender to Life Changes -with Heather.
4pm - Coping with Change and Facing the Unknown - Guided Journey session with Deborah.
Zoom links for each session will allow up to 100 participants.Individual distance Reiki sessions will be scheduled in advance according to demand. To book a place on any of these sessions e-mail stepsintowellness@outlook.com or phone 07764 848623.
10:30am - Taster Gentle Years Seated Yoga Class. The Gentle Years yoga programme is for individuals who have age related or specific health conditions such as osteoarthritis, hypertension, dementia and is suitable for anyone who is feeling socially isolated. This adapted yoga taster session is to introduce you to a 12 week programme which can be done completely on a chair to improve physical function and health-related quality of life in physically-inactive older adults. You will be introduced to modified movement practices, using breathing and concentration and relaxation techniques. You do not need to have any experience of yoga to take part; just a chair and access to internet. Please register for this free taster session by emailing:fitlikeyoga@gmail.comThere is a maximum of 10 places.
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This fish is worth $300,000 - New York Post This fish is worth $300,000 - New York Post Posted: 05 Jun 2016 12:00 AM PDT With exacting precision, the surgeon inserted the scalpel above the eyeball and cut out a snotty deposit of fatty tissue. The routine eye-lift was nearly complete when suddenly the patient awoke, suffocating, and began to flop about on the table. The audience gasped. Knowing time was of the essence, the surgeon scooped up the patient in his arms, raced across the stage, and dropped her into a tank of water. She revived. Because she was a fish. Yes, fish eye-lifts exist. As do fin jobs and tail tucks. The operating theater was a mall in Jakarta, Indonesia, where a pet expo was under way. As for the patient, she survived, her formerly droopy eyes now bright and perky. A good thing, too, as this was no ordinary goldfish but rather an Asian arowana, the world's most expensive aquarium denizen, rumored to sell for as mu...
Abstract The global marine aquarium trade has created new local markets across the planet, including in Indonesia, now the second-largest exporting country of marine aquarium fish in the world. Participating in the global aquarium trade has been touted as a potentially sustainable addition to fisher livelihoods, but scant data exist showing the numbers of fish coming off the reef and how those fish contribute to income. To determine how participants in the trade incorporate aquarium species in their livelihoods, we examine source-level aquarium fish collecting and trading data in the Banggai Archipelago, a region in Central Sulawesi that has become a significant source for popular aquarium, also known as ornamental, fish species. Using a sustainable livelihoods lens, we examine this data to understand how participants in the aquarium trade both contribute to as well as benefit from the trade and consider how their participation relates to emerging Blue Justice principles. From one year...
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