Create a Thriving Betta Tank with These 6 Helpful Tips - ToysMatrix

Betta fish are one of the world's most popular pet fish and for good reason. Betta fish are incredibly beautiful and make for great companions. These gorgeous, long-finned fish are also known as Siamese fighting fish because males in the wild fight each other on sight and can be very territorial.

If you are planning on creating a betta tank, then it's very important that you do your research and know how to look after them. Betta fish are often mistreated.

This article will explain how you can create a thriving, happy betta tank:


The chances are that when you purchased your betta it came in a small, plastic or glass bowl. This is part of the reason why so many animal rights activists are calling for an end to the betta trade because they are housed in containers that are far too small for them. Betta fish need lots of room to swim around, so bear this in mind when you are buying an aquarium tank for yours. Bettas, like all fish, need to be able to express natural behaviours and live as they would in the wild. They need room to swim, hide, play, hunt, and rest.


Because of their name, the Siamese fighting fish, people wrongly think that they have to keep their bettas in solitary confinement. Female bettas can live together quite happily, but males will attack other males. Bettas can also be introduced in larger aquariums with other fish but should be monitored. They can also live alongside ghost shrimp, with whom their compatibility is noted. Bettas will only try to eat ghost shrimp if you do not feed them properly. Generally speaking, bettas are too small to eat ghost shrimp. With that said, you can feed small ghost shrimp to your bettas if you want to.


Most experts agree that distilled or bottled water is best for betta fish so that they aren't exposed to chemicals or toxins. Make sure that you always avoid mineral water, and if you are going to use tap water, dechlorinate it first. If you use tap water then you also need to regularly test your tank for metals or any other chemicals that could be floating around. In addition, you need to keep your betta tank between 76- and 81-degrees Fahrenheit. Proper water and temperature are crucial to your betta's survival.


Bettas are not by any means "friendly fish." Because of this, they rarely play with similar types of fish. Because of this, you need to provide them with entertainment that they can enjoy alone. Make sure to introduce plants, structures, and toys for them. Bettas are notorious for lounging around in plants, leaves, and inside logs, so get as many of them as you can. You may also want to include toys like a mirror, small movable balls, and a betta hammock. All of this equipment will improve your betta's life considerably.


As we mentioned previously, bettas love plants. Some of the best plants include java fern, which is a very popular aquarium plant because it is very low-maintenance; Anubias; Marimo Moss Ball; Cryptocoryne; Sword Plant; Vallisneria, and Betta Bulb. Make sure to regularly tend to your aquarium plants, so that they don't die or disintegrate. You need to carefully research plants before you introduce them so that you do not introduce anything that's poisonous. You can't just go outside to your garden, collect plants, and bring them inside to introduce to your tank. You can likely find a list of bettas approved plants online. Remember: it's always better to add real plants, as opposed to fake plants. Real plants can help your bettas to relax and can mimic their natural environment. If you are going to use fake plants, make sure that they don't have sharp edges.


Betta fish are very intelligent. Because of their intelligence, they can, unlike many fish, actually be taught to do tricks. If you would like to teach your betta to do tricks, then, while it might be hard work, it is possible. Teaching your betta to do tricks can be a great way to enrich their mental state and improve their satisfaction. You can buy fish training kits, which you can then introduce to your betta's tank. These kits include hoops, bars, and balls. Betta fish can actually be taught to play fetch, which is pretty incredible considering their small size.

If you want to invest in betta fish, then it's important to follow this article's guidance in order to create a thriving, happy tank. Many people mistreat bettas, by putting them inside small, cramped tanks. Make sure to give them lots of room and lots of love.


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